Can the end of the guild system and technological progress be untangled like that? My limited understanding was that the guilds were major opponents of certain kinds of technological progress.
Yep, I would’ve mentioned it, but here, in our rather scholastic debate, I’m assuming the least convenient possible world for my values—one where technical progress either naturally forms a positive feedback loop with right-wing tyranny/oppression/whatever, or simply moves at a pre-industrial speed. Otherwise I’d just skip ahead & invoke the perspectives of transhumanity, the event horizon, etc.
Can the end of the guild system and technological progress be untangled like that? My limited understanding was that the guilds were major opponents of certain kinds of technological progress.
Yep, I would’ve mentioned it, but here, in our rather scholastic debate, I’m assuming the least convenient possible world for my values—one where technical progress either naturally forms a positive feedback loop with right-wing tyranny/oppression/whatever, or simply moves at a pre-industrial speed. Otherwise I’d just skip ahead & invoke the perspectives of transhumanity, the event horizon, etc.