How does activist non-participation accomplish anything when it looks no different from apathy to an outsider?
Indeed. From me to not show up in the polling place is as strong evidence that I don’t endorse democracy as is evidence that I can’t be bothered to because I don’t care either way/I’m a selfish CDTist and think my vote is too unlikely to change anything/I’d rather go shopping or something. The way to show that you don’t endorse democracy is to go to the polling place and spoil the ballot.
Indeed. From me to not show up in the polling place is as strong evidence that I don’t endorse democracy as is evidence that I can’t be bothered to because I don’t care either way/I’m a selfish CDTist and think my vote is too unlikely to change anything/I’d rather go shopping or something. The way to show that you don’t endorse democracy is to go to the polling place and spoil the ballot.