I’m doing an MSc in Computer Forensics and have stumbled into doing a large project using Bayesian reasoning for guessing at what data is (machine code, ascii, C code, HTML etc). This has caused me to think again about what problems you encounter when trying to actually apply bayesian reasoning to large problems.
I’ll probably cover this in my write up; are people interested in it? The math won’t be anything special, but a concrete problem might show the problems better than abstract reasoning,
It also could serve as a precursor to some vaguely AI-ish topics I am interested in. More insect and simple creature stuff than full human level though.
I’d be fascinated for both theoretical and practical reasons—I’m a network security guy by day, so I’m frequently looking at incomplete binary data captured between transient ports and wondering what it is.
I’m doing an MSc in Computer Forensics and have stumbled into doing a large project using Bayesian reasoning for guessing at what data is (machine code, ascii, C code, HTML etc). This has caused me to think again about what problems you encounter when trying to actually apply bayesian reasoning to large problems.
I’ll probably cover this in my write up; are people interested in it? The math won’t be anything special, but a concrete problem might show the problems better than abstract reasoning,
It also could serve as a precursor to some vaguely AI-ish topics I am interested in. More insect and simple creature stuff than full human level though.
I’m interested, and I suspect it relates to a question I’m a little interested in.
If a computer has to sort a big wad of data, how can it identify whether some of it is already sorted?
We developed the solution, in fact we evolved it.
Here is the source code in C++.
Partially or segmentally ordered arrays are not sorted again at all.
I’d be fascinated for both theoretical and practical reasons—I’m a network security guy by day, so I’m frequently looking at incomplete binary data captured between transient ports and wondering what it is.