Yes, I’m familiar with this. Though in fairness, I’ve read conflicting reports about it, with some old-guard Randians claiming that they all stopped smoking once, according to them, scientific evidence for its damaging effects became convincing. I don’t know how much (if any) currency denialism on this issue had among them back in the day.
Rothbard’s “Mozart was a Red” is a brilliant piece of satire, though! I’m not even that familiar with the details of Rand’s life and personality, but just from the behavior and attitudes I’ve seen from her contemporary followers, every line of it rings with hilarious parody.
Yes, I’m familiar with this. Though in fairness, I’ve read conflicting reports about it, with some old-guard Randians claiming that they all stopped smoking once, according to them, scientific evidence for its damaging effects became convincing. I don’t know how much (if any) currency denialism on this issue had among them back in the day.
Rothbard’s “Mozart was a Red” is a brilliant piece of satire, though! I’m not even that familiar with the details of Rand’s life and personality, but just from the behavior and attitudes I’ve seen from her contemporary followers, every line of it rings with hilarious parody.