Damn, it appears I haven’t read the off-topic thread where Magic players were sought after.
So let me state here that Magic was my number one passion between ages 14-20 or so. I sold my collection (including the Power Nine and other goodies) in order to donate to SIAI, though.
(Haven’t regretted it, even though Magic is such a hugely fun game.)
I hated Magic, because it took over the roleplaying community and replaced a lot of good games; and I was excluded from it because I couldn’t afford it.
Same here, so it seems there are more Magic players here than CronoDAS thought.
(I don’t think there is any causal relationship between “plays magic” and “is interested in rationality”, it’s just that both correlate with “is a geek”)
Damn, it appears I haven’t read the off-topic thread where Magic players were sought after.
So let me state here that Magic was my number one passion between ages 14-20 or so. I sold my collection (including the Power Nine and other goodies) in order to donate to SIAI, though.
(Haven’t regretted it, even though Magic is such a hugely fun game.)
I hated Magic, because it took over the roleplaying community and replaced a lot of good games; and I was excluded from it because I couldn’t afford it.
Not a M:TG player (any more) but I am fairly keen on Android:Netrunner, a reprint of one of Richard Garfield’s other designs.
Yes, I played magic a lot some years back.
Same here, so it seems there are more Magic players here than CronoDAS thought.
(I don’t think there is any causal relationship between “plays magic” and “is interested in rationality”, it’s just that both correlate with “is a geek”)