Dear Friends who Have Ascended the Mountains of Rationalism,
Our next meetup will be Saturday, March 15th from 1-4 pm at my apartment:
66/B/1 Ulloi Ut 6th floor, door 3 Ring 27
This meetup coincides with the Hungarian National Day, commemorating the 1848 Revolution – one of Hungary’s many celebrated military defeats (but perhaps all of them were spiritual victories?)
For this session, we’ll be discuss genetic engineering and intelligence enhancement:
”How to Make Superbabies” contends that creating babies far smarter than present humans is far more achievable than many believe.
Less Wrong / ACX Budapest March 15th Meetup
Dear Friends who Have Ascended the Mountains of Rationalism,
Our next meetup will be Saturday, March 15th from 1-4 pm at my apartment:
66/B/1 Ulloi Ut
6th floor, door 3
Ring 27
This meetup coincides with the Hungarian National Day, commemorating the 1848 Revolution – one of Hungary’s many celebrated military defeats (but perhaps all of them were spiritual victories?)
For this session, we’ll be discuss genetic engineering and intelligence enhancement:
”How to Make Superbabies” contends that creating babies far smarter than present humans is far more achievable than many believe.
“Statistical Challenges with Making Super-IQ Babies” is a much shorter response that argues for significant practical limitations.
As a bonus topic: “Why I Don’t Believe in the Placebo Effect,” which says there is no placebo effect.
I look forward to a lively discussion where we
go around in circles but still have funthoughtfully examine these contrasting perspectives.Hope to see many of you there!
Best regards,