This is not how quantum computers work. A quantum computer cannot run arbitrary computations in parallel and combine the outputs in arbitrary ways. In particular, NP is conjectured to not be contained in BQP.
This does not claim to do so. If the machine model split time like this into 2^a timelines, what it can do would contain NP. It only splits time into a^2 timelines. A quantum computer can emulate the “end the current timeline” trick with amplitude amplification.
This is not how quantum computers work. A quantum computer cannot run arbitrary computations in parallel and combine the outputs in arbitrary ways. In particular, NP is conjectured to not be contained in BQP.
This does not claim to do so. If the machine model split time like this into 2^a timelines, what it can do would contain NP. It only splits time into a^2 timelines. A quantum computer can emulate the “end the current timeline” trick with amplitude amplification.