We could add here
“Qualia apocalypses”—human are alive but become p-zombies may be after wrong uploading
Intelligence apocalypses—human go extinct, but no other form of intelligence appear. Or human survive but their creative intelligence permanently damaged and IQ never rise above 80. May be because global contamination by arsenic.
Gene allele apocalypses—many interesting alleles in human genom disappear. The remains look like humans but many interesting traits are lost.
Primate apocalypses—all high apes extinct including humans, new intelligence on Earth could appear only after 10 million years from now or more.
Mammal apocalypses.
Vertebral apocalypses
Values apocalypses—human values eroded and replaced by another values, like Nazi. Probably it has happened several times in history.
Evolution apocalypses—evolution just ends, human exists almost forever, but nothing new happens, no superAI, no star travel. Just the end of complexity growth. AI may appear but will be as boring as Windows 7.
Individuality apocalypses—humans become all very similar to each other. It already happened with globalisation.
Children apocalypses—human just stop to reproduce above replacement rate.
Art apocalypses—human lost interest to arts or ability to create really interesting art. Some think that it has already happened.
Wire-geading-euporium-superdrug apocalypses. New ways of the brain stimulation completely distract humans from real life. They spent all time in FB
Wrong upgrade apocalypses—human basic drives are edited on birth so they are not aggressive, but they also lose interest to space exploration (S.Lem novel about it).
These are very interesting, particularly the Values Apocalypse. I’d be curious to draw up a longer and more detailed spectrum. I limited this one to seven to keep it low-resolution and memorable.
We could add here “Qualia apocalypses”—human are alive but become p-zombies may be after wrong uploading
Intelligence apocalypses—human go extinct, but no other form of intelligence appear. Or human survive but their creative intelligence permanently damaged and IQ never rise above 80. May be because global contamination by arsenic.
Gene allele apocalypses—many interesting alleles in human genom disappear. The remains look like humans but many interesting traits are lost.
Primate apocalypses—all high apes extinct including humans, new intelligence on Earth could appear only after 10 million years from now or more.
Mammal apocalypses.
Vertebral apocalypses
Values apocalypses—human values eroded and replaced by another values, like Nazi. Probably it has happened several times in history.
Evolution apocalypses—evolution just ends, human exists almost forever, but nothing new happens, no superAI, no star travel. Just the end of complexity growth. AI may appear but will be as boring as Windows 7.
Individuality apocalypses—humans become all very similar to each other. It already happened with globalisation.
Children apocalypses—human just stop to reproduce above replacement rate.
Art apocalypses—human lost interest to arts or ability to create really interesting art. Some think that it has already happened.
Wire-geading-euporium-superdrug apocalypses. New ways of the brain stimulation completely distract humans from real life.
Theyspent all time in FBWrong upgrade apocalypses—human basic drives are edited on birth so they are not aggressive, but they also lose interest to space exploration (S.Lem novel about it).
These are very interesting, particularly the Values Apocalypse. I’d be curious to draw up a longer and more detailed spectrum. I limited this one to seven to keep it low-resolution and memorable.
Did you see my map Typology of x-risks? http://lesswrong.com/lw/mdw/a_map_typology_of_human_extinction_risks/ I am interested in creating maps which will cover all topics about x-risks.
Oh, no i haven’t seen this one! I’ll check it out.
What software do you use to make these?
Hand drawing in Adobe Indesign