I won’t go too far this tangential rabbit hole, especially since it has been covered quite a lot on here previously. But a quick answer:
I am actually a PUA moderate. I don’t think Dark Arts or their usage are inherently bad. There are some bad practices (i.e. things that cause the target to feel bad) and ideas (i.e. lets focus on “Women” being manipulatable, rather than “People” being manipulatable.) there, but People Having Social Skills is good, and systematizing can be useful.
That said, my comment about fore-knowledge was to show how informed ritual and PUA are completely different anyways, and the comparison doesn’t hold. So we don’t even have to go into the PUA discussion.
I won’t go too far this tangential rabbit hole, especially since it has been covered quite a lot on here previously. But a quick answer:
I am actually a PUA moderate. I don’t think Dark Arts or their usage are inherently bad. There are some bad practices (i.e. things that cause the target to feel bad) and ideas (i.e. lets focus on “Women” being manipulatable, rather than “People” being manipulatable.) there, but People Having Social Skills is good, and systematizing can be useful.
That said, my comment about fore-knowledge was to show how informed ritual and PUA are completely different anyways, and the comparison doesn’t hold. So we don’t even have to go into the PUA discussion.