For some reason, the posts and the comments use entirely different syntax. You should see a link button (looks like three chain links) that is greyed out until you select text (the name of the link), which you can then click and add a url.
Truth for truth’s sake is generally not worth it. Truth for curiosity’s sake is worth it, and curiosity is a virtue. But your response to this situation is comparable to saying to someone who is suicidal “You know what, I think you might be right, maybe you should kill yourself.” Fine for the terminally ill, not fine for the mentally ill.
Formatting help:
For some reason, the posts and the comments use entirely different syntax. You should see a link button (looks like three chain links) that is greyed out until you select text (the name of the link), which you can then click and add a url.
Truth for truth’s sake is generally not worth it. Truth for curiosity’s sake is worth it, and curiosity is a virtue. But your response to this situation is comparable to saying to someone who is suicidal “You know what, I think you might be right, maybe you should kill yourself.” Fine for the terminally ill, not fine for the mentally ill.