After some research, this looks feasible! Thanks! My only concern is that there really won’t be much value in the lucid dreams. For instance, I’m pretty sure I can’t work on AGI or anything mathy during a dream.
You can probably do purely cognitive work in a lucid dream, although its portability will be limited by your memory. It’s probably more efficient to have your daily diet of fun while you sleep, and then need less entertainment while you’re awake so you get more work done.
After some research, this looks feasible! Thanks! My only concern is that there really won’t be much value in the lucid dreams. For instance, I’m pretty sure I can’t work on AGI or anything mathy during a dream.
You can probably do purely cognitive work in a lucid dream, although its portability will be limited by your memory. It’s probably more efficient to have your daily diet of fun while you sleep, and then need less entertainment while you’re awake so you get more work done.