I basically agree with @davidad’s comment on the NFL, because basically all of the time, you’re aiming to find not just a good solution (which satisficing is), but an optimal solution, and thus what it really proves is that in the worst case, intelligence is necessarily and sufficiently look-up tables, and you need to resort to brute-force search, which is wildly intractable:
I also disagree with @jsteinhardt on the min-max/optimal solution being unacceptably bad, assuming perfect specification of what we value (this is obviously not a safe assumption in practice, but is probably safe from a philosophical/theoretical perspective.)
See Steve Byrne’s take on the no free lunch theorem.
No is the answer to “does the NFL theorem prove x” for x we care about I’m pretty sure.
I basically agree with @davidad’s comment on the NFL, because basically all of the time, you’re aiming to find not just a good solution (which satisficing is), but an optimal solution, and thus what it really proves is that in the worst case, intelligence is necessarily and sufficiently look-up tables, and you need to resort to brute-force search, which is wildly intractable:
I also disagree with @jsteinhardt on the min-max/optimal solution being unacceptably bad, assuming perfect specification of what we value (this is obviously not a safe assumption in practice, but is probably safe from a philosophical/theoretical perspective.)