Almost no competent humans have human extinction as a goal. AI that takes over is clearly not aligned with the intended values, and so has unpredictable goals, which could very well be ones which result in human extinction (especially since many unaligned goals would result in human extinction whether they include that as a terminal goal or not).
I don’t think we have good evidence that almost no humans would pursue human extinction if they took over the world, since no human in history has ever achieved that level of power.
Most historical conquerors had pragmatic reasons for getting along with other humans, which explains why they were sometimes nice. For example, Hitler tried to protect his inner circle while pursuing genocide of other groups. However, this behavior was likely because of practical limitations—he still needed the cooperation of others to maintain his power and achieve his goals.
But if there were no constraints on Hitler’s behavior, and he could trivially physically replace anyone on Earth with different physical structures that he’d prefer, including replacing them with AIs, then it seems much more plausible to me that he’d kill >95% of humans on Earth. Even if he did keep a large population of humans alive (e.g. racially pure Germans), it seems plausible that they would be dramatically disempowered relative to his own personal power, and so this ultimately doesn’t seem much different from human extinction from an ethical point of view.
You might object to this point by saying that even brutal conquerors tend to merely be indifferent to human life, rather than actively wanting others dead. But as true as that may be, the same is true for AI paperclip maximizers, and so it’s hard for me to see why we should treat these cases as substantially different.
I don’t think we have good evidence that almost no humans would pursue human extinction if they took over the world, since no human in history has ever achieved that level of power.
Sure, I agree that we don’t have direct empirical evidence, and can’t until/unless it happens. But we certainly have evidence about what humans want and strive to achieve, eg Maslow’s hierarchy and other taxonomies of human desire. My sense, although I can’t point to specific evidence offhand, is that once their physical needs are met, humans are reliably largely motivated by wanting other humans to feel and behave in certain ways toward them. That’s not something they can have if there are no other humans.
Does that seem mistaken to you?
Even if he did keep a large population of humans alive (e.g. racially pure Germans), it seems plausible that they would be dramatically disempowered relative to his own personal power, and so this ultimately doesn’t seem much different from human extinction from an ethical point of view.
They’re extremely different in my view. In the outcome you describe, there’s an ongoing possibility of change back to less crapsack worlds. If humans are extinct, that chance is gone forever.
But we certainly have evidence about what humans want and strive to achieve, eg Maslow’s hierarchy and other taxonomies of human desire. My sense, although I can’t point to specific evidence offhand, is that once their physical needs are met, humans are reliably largely motivated by wanting other humans to feel and behave in certain ways toward them.
I think the idea that most people’s “basic needs” can ever be definitively “met”, after which they transition to altruistic pursuits, is more or less a myth. In reality, in modern, wealthy countries where people have more than enough to meet their physical needs—like sufficient calories to sustain themselves—most people still strive for far more material wealth than necessary to satisfy their basic needs, and they do not often share much of their wealth with strangers.
(To clarify: I understand that you may not have meant that humans are altruistic, just that they want others to “feel and behave in certain ways toward them”. But if this desire is a purely selfish one, then I would be very fearful of how it would be satisfied by a human with absolute power.)
The notion that there’s a line marking the point at which human needs are fully met oversimplifies the situation. Instead, what we observe is a constantly shifting and rising standard of what is considered “basic” or essential. For example, 200 years ago, it would have been laughable to describe air conditioning in a hot climate as a basic necessity; today, this view is standard. Similarly, someone like Jeff Bezos (though he might not say it out loud) might see having staff clean his mansion as a “basic need”, whereas the vast majority of people who are much poorer than him would view this expense as frivolous.
One common model to make sense of this behavior is that humans get logarithmic utility in wealth. In this model, extra resources have sharply diminishing returns to utility, but humans are nonetheless insatiable: the derivative of utility with respect to wealth is always positive, at every level of wealth.
Now, of course, it’s clear that many humans are also altruistic to some degree, but:
Among people who would be likely to try to take over the world, I expect them to be more like brutal dictators than like the median person. This makes me much more worried about what a human would do if they tried and succeeded in taking over the world.
Common apparent examples of altruism are often explained easily as mere costless signaling, i.e. cheap talk, rather than genuine altruism. Actively sacrificing one’s material well-being for the sake of others is much less common than merely saying that you care about others. This can be explained by the fact that merely saying that you care about others costs nothing selfishly. Likewise, voting for a candidate who promises to help other people is not significant evidence of altruism, since it selfishly costs almost nothing for an individual to vote for such a politician.
Humanity is a cooperative species, but not necessarily an altruistic one.
Sorry, I seem to have not been clear. I’m not at all trying to make a claim about a sharp division between physical and other needs, or a claim that humans are altruistic (although clearly some are sometimes). What I intended to convey was just that most of humans’ desires and needs other than physical ones are about other people. They might be about getting unconditional love from someone or they might be about having everyone cowering in fear, but they’re pretty consistently about wanting something from other humans (or wanting to prove something to other humans, or wanting other humans to have certain feelings or emotions, etc) and my guess is that getting simulations of those same things from AI wouldn’t satisfy those desires.
They might be about getting unconditional love from someone or they might be about having everyone cowering in fear, but they’re pretty consistently about wanting something from other humans (or wanting to prove something to other humans, or wanting other humans to have certain feelings or emotions, etc)
I agree with this view, however, I am not sure it rescues the position that a human who succeeds in taking over the world would not pursue actions that are extinction-level bad.
If such a person has absolute power in the way assumed here, their strategies to get what they want would not be limited to nice and cooperative strategies with the rest of the world. As you point out, an alternative strategy could be to cause everyone else to cower in fear or submission, which is indeed a common strategy for dictators.
and my guess is that getting simulations of those same things from AI wouldn’t satisfy those desires.
My prediction is that people will find AIs to be just as satisfying to be peers with compared to humans. In fact, I’d go further: for almost any axis you can mention, you could train an AI that is superior to humans along that axis, who would make a more interesting and more compelling peer.
I think you are downplaying AI by calling what it offers a mere “simulation”: there’s nothing inherently less real about a mind made of silicon compared to a mind made of flesh. AIs can be funnier, more attractive, more adventurous, harder working, more social, friendlier, more courageous, and smarter than humans, and all of these traits serve as sufficient motives for a uncaring dictator to replace their human peers with AIs.
I am not sure it rescues the position that a human who succeeds in taking over the world would not pursue actions that are extinction-level bad.
From my perspective, almost no outcomes for humanity are extinction-level bad other than extinction (other than the sorts of eternal torture-hells-in-simulation that S-risk folks worry about).
My prediction is that people will find AIs to be just as satisfying to be peers with compared to humans.
You could be right. Certainly we see hint of that with and Claude. My guess is that the desire to get emotional needs met by humans is built into us so deeply that most people will prefer that if they have the option.
I don’t think we have good evidence that almost no humans would pursue human extinction if they took over the world, since no human in history has ever achieved that level of power.
Most historical conquerors had pragmatic reasons for getting along with other humans, which explains why they were sometimes nice. For example, Hitler tried to protect his inner circle while pursuing genocide of other groups. However, this behavior was likely because of practical limitations—he still needed the cooperation of others to maintain his power and achieve his goals.
But if there were no constraints on Hitler’s behavior, and he could trivially physically replace anyone on Earth with different physical structures that he’d prefer, including replacing them with AIs, then it seems much more plausible to me that he’d kill >95% of humans on Earth. Even if he did keep a large population of humans alive (e.g. racially pure Germans), it seems plausible that they would be dramatically disempowered relative to his own personal power, and so this ultimately doesn’t seem much different from human extinction from an ethical point of view.
You might object to this point by saying that even brutal conquerors tend to merely be indifferent to human life, rather than actively wanting others dead. But as true as that may be, the same is true for AI paperclip maximizers, and so it’s hard for me to see why we should treat these cases as substantially different.
Sure, I agree that we don’t have direct empirical evidence, and can’t until/unless it happens. But we certainly have evidence about what humans want and strive to achieve, eg Maslow’s hierarchy and other taxonomies of human desire. My sense, although I can’t point to specific evidence offhand, is that once their physical needs are met, humans are reliably largely motivated by wanting other humans to feel and behave in certain ways toward them. That’s not something they can have if there are no other humans.
Does that seem mistaken to you?
They’re extremely different in my view. In the outcome you describe, there’s an ongoing possibility of change back to less crapsack worlds. If humans are extinct, that chance is gone forever.
I think the idea that most people’s “basic needs” can ever be definitively “met”, after which they transition to altruistic pursuits, is more or less a myth. In reality, in modern, wealthy countries where people have more than enough to meet their physical needs—like sufficient calories to sustain themselves—most people still strive for far more material wealth than necessary to satisfy their basic needs, and they do not often share much of their wealth with strangers.
(To clarify: I understand that you may not have meant that humans are altruistic, just that they want others to “feel and behave in certain ways toward them”. But if this desire is a purely selfish one, then I would be very fearful of how it would be satisfied by a human with absolute power.)
The notion that there’s a line marking the point at which human needs are fully met oversimplifies the situation. Instead, what we observe is a constantly shifting and rising standard of what is considered “basic” or essential. For example, 200 years ago, it would have been laughable to describe air conditioning in a hot climate as a basic necessity; today, this view is standard. Similarly, someone like Jeff Bezos (though he might not say it out loud) might see having staff clean his mansion as a “basic need”, whereas the vast majority of people who are much poorer than him would view this expense as frivolous.
One common model to make sense of this behavior is that humans get logarithmic utility in wealth. In this model, extra resources have sharply diminishing returns to utility, but humans are nonetheless insatiable: the derivative of utility with respect to wealth is always positive, at every level of wealth.
Now, of course, it’s clear that many humans are also altruistic to some degree, but:
Among people who would be likely to try to take over the world, I expect them to be more like brutal dictators than like the median person. This makes me much more worried about what a human would do if they tried and succeeded in taking over the world.
Common apparent examples of altruism are often explained easily as mere costless signaling, i.e. cheap talk, rather than genuine altruism. Actively sacrificing one’s material well-being for the sake of others is much less common than merely saying that you care about others. This can be explained by the fact that merely saying that you care about others costs nothing selfishly. Likewise, voting for a candidate who promises to help other people is not significant evidence of altruism, since it selfishly costs almost nothing for an individual to vote for such a politician.
Humanity is a cooperative species, but not necessarily an altruistic one.
Sorry, I seem to have not been clear. I’m not at all trying to make a claim about a sharp division between physical and other needs, or a claim that humans are altruistic (although clearly some are sometimes). What I intended to convey was just that most of humans’ desires and needs other than physical ones are about other people. They might be about getting unconditional love from someone or they might be about having everyone cowering in fear, but they’re pretty consistently about wanting something from other humans (or wanting to prove something to other humans, or wanting other humans to have certain feelings or emotions, etc) and my guess is that getting simulations of those same things from AI wouldn’t satisfy those desires.
I agree with this view, however, I am not sure it rescues the position that a human who succeeds in taking over the world would not pursue actions that are extinction-level bad.
If such a person has absolute power in the way assumed here, their strategies to get what they want would not be limited to nice and cooperative strategies with the rest of the world. As you point out, an alternative strategy could be to cause everyone else to cower in fear or submission, which is indeed a common strategy for dictators.
My prediction is that people will find AIs to be just as satisfying to be peers with compared to humans. In fact, I’d go further: for almost any axis you can mention, you could train an AI that is superior to humans along that axis, who would make a more interesting and more compelling peer.
I think you are downplaying AI by calling what it offers a mere “simulation”: there’s nothing inherently less real about a mind made of silicon compared to a mind made of flesh. AIs can be funnier, more attractive, more adventurous, harder working, more social, friendlier, more courageous, and smarter than humans, and all of these traits serve as sufficient motives for a uncaring dictator to replace their human peers with AIs.
From my perspective, almost no outcomes for humanity are extinction-level bad other than extinction (other than the sorts of eternal torture-hells-in-simulation that S-risk folks worry about).
You could be right. Certainly we see hint of that with and Claude. My guess is that the desire to get emotional needs met by humans is built into us so deeply that most people will prefer that if they have the option.