Been working on it—it’s actually committed to the LW codebase—but not released yet due to browser issues. Finding a design that avoids those is more work, not sure when I can commit to taking it on.
If you just want to not see the scores, but still see the author names, then Marcello’s script isn’t appropriate, because I think that hides the author as well.
I just added a LessWrong Comment Score Tweaks script that can be used to hide/display scores or toggle between visible and hidden.
After you install greasemonkey and that script, the “user script commands” menu of greasemonkey on lesswrong pages will contain:
Toggle Comment Scores
Hide Comment Scores
Show Comment Scores
There are also some key bindings defined for these. They don’t work for me, but they might work for others.
For that matter, it might be good to have the option of not automatically seeing one’s karma score—I think I give mine more attention than it’s worth, and I can’t not see it if it’s at the top of the page.
There’s currently a Greasemonkey script—“no kibitz”, I think (I’m browsing by mobile, hard to look things up) - that does this; someone said they were working on adding it to the codebase a while ago.
I was going thru the rationality quotes, and noticed that I always glanced at the current point score before voting. I wasn’t able to not do that.
It might be useful to have a setting under which the points on a comment, and maybe also on a post, would be hidden until after you voted on it.
Marcello posted an anti-kibitzer Greasemonkey script which does that. It’d be nice to have it as core functionality of the site though, yeah.
Been working on it—it’s actually committed to the LW codebase—but not released yet due to browser issues. Finding a design that avoids those is more work, not sure when I can commit to taking it on.
If you just want to not see the scores, but still see the author names, then Marcello’s script isn’t appropriate, because I think that hides the author as well.
I just added a LessWrong Comment Score Tweaks script that can be used to hide/display scores or toggle between visible and hidden.
After you install greasemonkey and that script, the “user script commands” menu of greasemonkey on lesswrong pages will contain:
Toggle Comment Scores
Hide Comment Scores
Show Comment Scores
There are also some key bindings defined for these. They don’t work for me, but they might work for others.
For that matter, it might be good to have the option of not automatically seeing one’s karma score—I think I give mine more attention than it’s worth, and I can’t not see it if it’s at the top of the page.
There’s currently a Greasemonkey script—“no kibitz”, I think (I’m browsing by mobile, hard to look things up) - that does this; someone said they were working on adding it to the codebase a while ago.