I will vote it down unless you say something that I have not seen before. I think that it was a good idea to not make LW a site for rehearsing political arguments, but if you have thought of something that hasn’t been said before and if you can explain how you came up with it then it might be a good reasoning lesson.
I will vote it down unless you say something that I have not seen before. I think that it was a good idea to not make LW a site for rehearsing political arguments, but if you have thought of something that hasn’t been said before and if you can explain how you came up with it then it might be a good reasoning lesson.
I will only vote it up if there’s something I haven’t seen before, but will only vote it down if I think it’s dreadful.
We may not be ready for it yet, but at some point we need to be able to pass the big test of addressing hard topics.
I will vote it up to cancel the above downvote, to encourage you to make the post in case the threat of downvoting scares you off.