We are wired for individual rather than general insights. Stories are much more effective at communicating certain things than treatises are. I would never have believed, in theory, that a man who enjoyed killing could be worthy of respect; only a story could convince me. To use Robin Hanson’s terminology, narrative can bring near mode and far mode together.
Why not true stories? I think there you get into Aristotle and why versimilitude can be more effective than mere reality. True stories are good too, but life is disorderly and not necessarily narrative. It’s a truism of writing workshops and creative writing classes that whenever you see a particularly unrealistic event in a story, the author will protest “But that really happened!” It doesn’t matter; it’s still unrealistic. Narrative is, I think, a particular kind of brain function that humans are good at, and it’s a painting, not a photograph. To tap into our ability to understand each other through narrative, we usually need to fictionalize the world, apply some masks and filters.
We are wired for individual rather than general insights. Stories are much more effective at communicating certain things than treatises are. I would never have believed, in theory, that a man who enjoyed killing could be worthy of respect; only a story could convince me. To use Robin Hanson’s terminology, narrative can bring near mode and far mode together.
Why not true stories? I think there you get into Aristotle and why versimilitude can be more effective than mere reality. True stories are good too, but life is disorderly and not necessarily narrative. It’s a truism of writing workshops and creative writing classes that whenever you see a particularly unrealistic event in a story, the author will protest “But that really happened!” It doesn’t matter; it’s still unrealistic. Narrative is, I think, a particular kind of brain function that humans are good at, and it’s a painting, not a photograph. To tap into our ability to understand each other through narrative, we usually need to fictionalize the world, apply some masks and filters.