That isn’t how his short stories have struck me. A handful that come to mind about near-future technology, not having the books in front of me, are Axiomatic, Silver Fire, The Moral Virologist, Worthless, and one whose name I forget about artificial nanomcguffins that let you gradually reprogram your own mind just by wishing the change you want. They’re pretty dark, but I wouldn’t classify them as horror. That is, I don’t read them as saying “these are things that man should not know”, but “after such knowledge, these are issues that must be faced”.
That isn’t how his short stories have struck me. A handful that come to mind about near-future technology, not having the books in front of me, are Axiomatic, Silver Fire, The Moral Virologist, Worthless, and one whose name I forget about artificial nanomcguffins that let you gradually reprogram your own mind just by wishing the change you want. They’re pretty dark, but I wouldn’t classify them as horror. That is, I don’t read them as saying “these are things that man should not know”, but “after such knowledge, these are issues that must be faced”.
I think those are the “Grey Knights” from “Chaff”.