Barbell model of voters (or “delusion of the centre”), where many in the electorate are far to the left of politicians on white collar crime and higher taxes on the rich but far to the right of politicians on violent crime, anti-terrorism, and immigration.
You want to be empirical in a way almost all in politics aren’t: run tons of focus groups and really listen to how your voters think, not just what policies they want.
Use a best-in-class data model. Polls naturally swing all over, much polling is bad; if you use these, make them Bayesian and get great people who really know what they’re doing to figure them out. Then use these models to focus relentlessly on whatever has the largest effect size, which is swing voters. [Some other tricks here that seem worth not being as explicit about.]
Don’t be patronizing, do have integrity—very hard in politics.
Stay on message. Bill Clinton’s campaign had 3 talking points, each phrased to maximize punch. “It’s the economy, stupid”, “read my lips”, and another that I forget. Carville was incredible at focusing relentlessly on turning every interview question into a response on one of these three. People won’t care about most of the stuff you could talk about, and you can’t optimize everything, so just choose the few best messages that are most powerful to people and drive everything back to them. Watch The War Room about the Clinton campaign if you haven’t yet.
A Few Lessons from Dominic Cummings on Politics
Barbell model of voters (or “delusion of the centre”), where many in the electorate are far to the left of politicians on white collar crime and higher taxes on the rich but far to the right of politicians on violent crime, anti-terrorism, and immigration.
You want to be empirical in a way almost all in politics aren’t: run tons of focus groups and really listen to how your voters think, not just what policies they want.
Use a best-in-class data model. Polls naturally swing all over, much polling is bad; if you use these, make them Bayesian and get great people who really know what they’re doing to figure them out. Then use these models to focus relentlessly on whatever has the largest effect size, which is swing voters. [Some other tricks here that seem worth not being as explicit about.]
Don’t be patronizing, do have integrity—very hard in politics.
Stay on message. Bill Clinton’s campaign had 3 talking points, each phrased to maximize punch. “It’s the economy, stupid”, “read my lips”, and another that I forget. Carville was incredible at focusing relentlessly on turning every interview question into a response on one of these three. People won’t care about most of the stuff you could talk about, and you can’t optimize everything, so just choose the few best messages that are most powerful to people and drive everything back to them. Watch The War Room about the Clinton campaign if you haven’t yet.
“Read my lips, no new taxes” was G.H.W. Bush.
Clinton’s campaign was against Bush, so they were throwing these words back at him.