This was a very helpful answer, and you’re right. It isn’t so much that we can’t currently explain whether something underlies amplitude that bugs people. It’s more that they want some way to rationalize that it is plausible for their favorite phenomena to also be like amplitude in the sense of not having an as-of-yet-describable lower level explanation. Then they think separate magisteria allows them to claim that the inexplicability of their favorite phenomena has equal footing as the inexplicability of quantum amplitude.
This was a very helpful answer, and you’re right. It isn’t so much that we can’t currently explain whether something underlies amplitude that bugs people. It’s more that they want some way to rationalize that it is plausible for their favorite phenomena to also be like amplitude in the sense of not having an as-of-yet-describable lower level explanation. Then they think separate magisteria allows them to claim that the inexplicability of their favorite phenomena has equal footing as the inexplicability of quantum amplitude.