Given my priors + understanding of startups/silicon valley culture, it sounds more like Openai started to leave the startup phase and is entering into the “profit-seeking” phase of running the company. After they had the entire rug pulled under them by stable diffusion, I would expect them to get strategic whiplash, and then decide to button things up.
The addition of a non-compete clause within their terms of service and the deal with Microsoft seems to hint towards that. They’ll announce GPT-3.5, and “next-gen language models”, but it doesn’t match my priors that they would hold back GPT-4 if they had it.
A company that’s starting to worry that governments might soon implement panicky laws to slow down the company’s increase in power?
A company that has recently switched from a focus on hiring the best talent, to a focus on protecting trade secrets?
Given my priors + understanding of startups/silicon valley culture, it sounds more like Openai started to leave the startup phase and is entering into the “profit-seeking” phase of running the company. After they had the entire rug pulled under them by stable diffusion, I would expect them to get strategic whiplash, and then decide to button things up.
The addition of a non-compete clause within their terms of service and the deal with Microsoft seems to hint towards that. They’ll announce GPT-3.5, and “next-gen language models”, but it doesn’t match my priors that they would hold back GPT-4 if they had it.
Time may tell, however!