I think I found the problem: Omega is unable to predict your action in this scenario, i.e. the assumption “Omega is good at predicting your behaviour” is wrong / impossible / inconsistent.
Consider a day where Omicron (randomly) chose a prime number (Omega knows this). Now an EDT is on their way to the room with the boxes, and Omega has to put a prime or non-prime (composite) number into the box, predicting EDT’s action.
If Omega makes X prime (i.e. coincides) then EDT two-boxes and therefore Omega has failed in predicting.
If Omega makes X non-prime (i.e. numbers don’t coincide) then EDT one-boxes and therefore Omega has failed in predicting.
Edit: To clarify, EDT’s policy is two-box if Omega and Omicron’s numbers coincide, one-box if they don’t.
If the agent is EDT and Omicron chooses a prime number, then Omega has to choose a different prime number. Fortunately, for every prime number there exists a distinct prime number.
EDT’s policy is not “two-box if both numbers are prime or both numbers are composite”, it’s “two-box if both numbers are equal”. EDT can’t (by hypothesis) figure out in the allotted time whether the number in the box (or the number that Omicron chose) is prime. (It can readily verify the equality of the two numbers, though, and this equality is what causes it—erroneously, in my view—to believe it has control over whether it gets paid by Omicron.)
I think I found the problem: Omega is unable to predict your action in this scenario, i.e. the assumption “Omega is good at predicting your behaviour” is wrong / impossible / inconsistent.
Consider a day where Omicron (randomly) chose a prime number (Omega knows this). Now an EDT is on their way to the room with the boxes, and Omega has to put a prime or non-prime (composite) number into the box, predicting EDT’s action.
If Omega makes X prime (i.e. coincides) then EDT two-boxes and therefore Omega has failed in predicting.
If Omega makes X non-prime (i.e. numbers don’t coincide) then EDT one-boxes and therefore Omega has failed in predicting.
Edit: To clarify, EDT’s policy is two-box if Omega and Omicron’s numbers coincide, one-box if they don’t.
If the agent is EDT and Omicron chooses a prime number, then Omega has to choose a different prime number. Fortunately, for every prime number there exists a distinct prime number.
EDT’s policy is not “two-box if both numbers are prime or both numbers are composite”, it’s “two-box if both numbers are equal”. EDT can’t (by hypothesis) figure out in the allotted time whether the number in the box (or the number that Omicron chose) is prime. (It can readily verify the equality of the two numbers, though, and this equality is what causes it—erroneously, in my view—to believe it has control over whether it gets paid by Omicron.)