This doesn’t seem true, at least in the sense of strict ranking? In the EDT case: if Omega’s policy is to place a prime in Box 1 whenever Omicron chooses a composite number (instead of matching Omicron when possible), then it predicts the EDT agent will choose only Box 1 and so is a stable equilibrium. But since it also always places a different prime whenever Omicron chooses a prime, EDT never sees matching numbers and so always one-boxes, therefore its expected earnings are no less than FDT
This doesn’t seem true, at least in the sense of strict ranking? In the EDT case: if Omega’s policy is to place a prime in Box 1 whenever Omicron chooses a composite number (instead of matching Omicron when possible), then it predicts the EDT agent will choose only Box 1 and so is a stable equilibrium. But since it also always places a different prime whenever Omicron chooses a prime, EDT never sees matching numbers and so always one-boxes, therefore its expected earnings are no less than FDT