Wow, such a badly argued( aka BS) while heavily up-voted article!
Let’s start with the Myth #1, what a straw-man! Rather than this extreme statement, most researchers likely believe that in the current environment their safety&alignment advances are likely( with high EV) helpful to humanity. The thing here is they had quite a free hand or at least varied options to pick the environment where they work and publish.
With your examples a bad actor could see a worthy EV even with a capable system that is less obedient and more false. Even if interpretabilty speeds up development, it would direct such development to more transparent models, at least there is a naive chance for that.
Myth #2: I’ve not yet met anybody in the alighnment circles who believed that. Most are pretty conscious about the double-edgedness and your sub-arguments.
Wow, such a badly argued( aka BS) while heavily up-voted article!
Let’s start with the Myth #1, what a straw-man! Rather than this extreme statement, most researchers likely believe that in the current environment their safety&alignment advances are likely( with high EV) helpful to humanity. The thing here is they had quite a free hand or at least varied options to pick the environment where they work and publish.
With your examples a bad actor could see a worthy EV even with a capable system that is less obedient and more false. Even if interpretabilty speeds up development, it would direct such development to more transparent models, at least there is a naive chance for that.
Myth #2: I’ve not yet met anybody in the alighnment circles who believed that. Most are pretty conscious about the double-edgedness and your sub-arguments. depicts the flaws I point to neatly/gently.