When I was finally told how the US government worked, I couldn’t believe my ears. It was a mess. An arbitrary, clunky monstrosity full of loopholes a child could abuse. I could think of a dozen improvements off the top of my head.
For what it’s worth, the Founding Fathers actually did do quite a bit of research into what kinds of “loopholes” had existed in earlier systems, particularly the one in England, and took steps to avoid them. For example, the Constitution mandates that a census be taken every ten years because, in England, there were “rotten boroughs” which had a member of Parliament even though they had a tiny population. Needless to say, it wasn’t easy to get politicians in these districts to approve redistricting laws.
On the other hand, the Founding Fathers didn’t anticipate gerrymandering, though.
To give you an idea of how my teenaged mind worked, it was immediately clear to me that any first-order “improvements” suggested by naïve ninth-graders would have unintended negative consequences. Therefore, improvement number one involved redesigning the system to make it easy to test many different improvements in parallel, adding machinery to adopt the improvements that were actually shown to work.
In theory, the state governments were supposed to serve as a way to test improvements in parallel. I don’t know if it ever worked out that way, though.
There certainly are problems with the U.S. Constitution as it stands (there’s no reason for the Electoral College, and the U.S. Senate re-implements rotten boroughs because the largest state has 65 times the population of the smallest one) but it’s worked tolerably well for over 200 years now.
To be equally fair, a lot of the more obvious exploits in the American system have been tried at one point or another; one of the clearer examples I can think of offhand is FDR’s attempt to pack the US Supreme Court in 1937. Historically most of these have been shot down or rendered more or less toothless by other power centers in the government, although a similar (albeit somewhat unique) situation did contribute to the American Civil War.
There’s a lot of bad things I could say about the American system, but the dynamic stability built in seems to have been quite a good plan.
“Avoid concentrating power, and try to pit power centers against each other whenever possible” seems to have been a fairly successful design heuristic for governments.
If you’re designing them to last a long time, yes. If you’re designing them to serve their people well… no offense, but the one agreed-upon fact in American politics today is that the country is crashing and burning. I’d say the systemic explanations (lack of limits on money in politics, gerrymandering, two-party system, neoliberal takeover of both parties, Overton Window drift, and so on and so forth) have a lot of force here.
So you’ve got a system that’s successfully lasted such a long time that when it finally hits crises it can’t handle, it’s just dying. Brittle and hard rather than flexible.
Lots of people say that, but how would say America’s troubles rate next Syria’s, say? Or those of post-Soviet Russia?
I think many Americans have a hard time distinguishing “genuine catastrophes” from “the worst things ever to happen in America that I noticed in my lifetime”.
It seems to me that the best way to prevent America from hitting troubles similar to those experienced by post-Soviet Russia (in severity if nothing else) is pre-emptively; anyone who suspects that similar, or worse, troubles are going to affect a given country within the near future would be, in my opinion, perfectly justified in taking some effort to turn the country aside from the upcoming troubles.
Mind you, I have no idea how severe America’s future troubles could be; I don’t have enough information for a reasonable estimate.
Nobody said that it was a quick death. In fact, I would have called a quick death beneficial. Most countries throughout history have a crisis, crash, and then get back on their feet after a few years. It’s the ones who are brittle and unable to change that end up with long-term problems.
If we want to talk about Western countries, for instance, compare the USA with, say, Germany. Germany has had far more successions of government than the United States, but currently functions better because they change when a crisis hits.
Or compare Syria with Tunisia—like with like. Protests in Syria led the government to use violent force over a period of years, leading to absolute disaster (by the way, you will notice on my profile that I don’t even that far from Syria). In Tunisia, the government actually stepped down, and things have improved. Egypt is a borderline case.
If you think things are bad today, try 1860 or 1930. All we’ve got today is a repeat of the Gilded Age, complete with similar economic instability and partisan gridlock...
In this Brit’s NSHO, the main problem with the US system is the lack of a limit on campaign spending.
You can’t really limit campaign spending. If you forbid a billionaire from buying ads they can go ahead and buy themselves a TV channel or a newspaper.
Of course not everyone can buy a newspaper, your limit shifts power to those people who are wealthy.
You can’t create a situation in which nobody can spend money in a way to increase the likelihood that a particular politician gets elected. Money is just to useful for you to be able to pass a law that prevents it to be used to effect public opinion.
If you start with hard limits the money just takes a less obvious road.
On the other hand public funding of elections actually works. You actually need well funded parties that are funded through government money as actors if you don’t want rich people to dominate the political system.
You can’t really limit campaign spending. If you forbid a billionaire from buying ads they can go ahead and buy themselves a TV channel or a newspaper.
You can, since this has been done in the UK. And, yes, individuals are limited in how much of the media they can buy up too.
You can’t create a situation in which nobody can spend money in a way to increase the likelihood that a particular politician gets elected.
You can’t cure every disease, but that is no argument for not building hospitals.
Socially, maybe, that being where the votes are. However, you will be delighted to hear that the Conservatives are still sufficiently traditional to want to cut welfare to the poor and taxes to the rich.
And yet not traditional enough to see any problem with the UK’s disastrous immigration policy. The BNP exists pretty much entirely because the “conservative” party is more concerned with not being called racists than with doing what the majority of their constituents have demanding for decades.
How do you know that campaign spending is reduced? You don’t know the alternative roads that the money travels when you don’t allow the obvious roads.
Just because you don’t see the money flowing anymore doesn’t mean that the invisible hand of the market doesn’t direct the money to those opportunities where it produces political effects.
The loss of transparency of money flow is a big problem with spending limits.
And, yes, individuals are limited in how much of the media they can buy up too.
Who cares whether individuals are limited when you have corporations? But even if you have antitrust laws that prevent a single corporation from controlling all media that doesn’t mean that you can’t have 10 corporations with similar agendas controlling all media.
How do you know that campaign spending is reduced?
Revealed preferences and margins. By spending on the ‘obvious roads’, entities reveal that those are the optimum roads for them and their first choice; by forcing them back onto secondary choices, they must in some way be worse off (for example, be paying more or getting less) else they would have been using those non-obvious roads in the first place; and then by supply & demand, less will be spent.
I don’t think it’s a question of paying more and getting less but of being less certain about the payout.
If you have a policy of giving high paying jobs to people who end their political career if they furthered the interests of your company, you aren’t certain about the payoff of that spending.
On average it will motivate politicians to further your course but it’s a gamble. It requires a relationship of trust between the politicians and the companies doing the hiring.
Only big actors can have those relationships. You might be right that total money spent goes down but that’s not the thing we really care about. We care about the amount that policy get’s influenced by special interests.
How do you know that campaign spending is reduced?
Politicla parties are aonoly allowed limited airtime on mass media: they may be able to spend money on other things, but they would be less effective.
that the invisible hand of the market
If the giovt says you can only broadcast for five minutes a year, that isn’t a free market.
But even if you have antitrust laws that prevent a single corporation from controlling all media that doesn’t mean that you can’t have 10 corporations with similar agendas controlling all media.
Agian, not being able to do something perfectly is not a good reason not to do it at all.
Politicla parties are aonoly allowed limited airtime on mass media: they may be able to spend money on other things, but they would be less effective.
Okay, then they don’t hire an advertising company to produce advertising. I instead hire them to produce a documentary of my favorite political issue and then sell that documentary for a low price to a TV station that it doesn’t run as advertising but as documentary.
You know that a lot of the players who produce documentaries that you see on TV also produce advertising for paying clients right?
Is that really an improvement of the political system is you get less political speech that’s overtly labeled as being advertising?
There already a large amount of politics that is not labelled as advertising, whether in the forms of songs, moviesornewspaper articles. Since the UK system also limits overall spending by parties, what they are able to do by means other than overt advertising is a drop in the ocean.
Since the UK system also limits overall spending by parties
Then the rich corporation who wants to influence a political party doesn’t donate money but things brought by money.
You probably do succeed weaken political parties. If you are a lobbyist and want to influence politics to further the agenda of a corporation you want weak political parties.
If you look at the US it’s a country of very weak parties. The head of the Republican and Democratic party don’t have much political power.
To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress fellow members of your political party. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress corporate donors who fund your campaign.
Then the rich corporation who wants to influence a political party doesn’t donate money but things brought by money.
Which would still be constrained by donation limits, I suppose.
If you look at the US it’s a country of very weak parties. The head of the Republican and Democratic party don’t have much political power. To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress fellow members of your political party. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress corporate donors who fund your campaign.
IIUC, there are no spending limits by corporations in the US system.
Which would still be constrained by donation limits, I suppose.
No. If I hire a polling firm to gather data about the views hold by voters and hand the resulting data over to a politician that doesn’t count against donation limits.
If you want to label those acts as donations that you to be limited you destroy a lot of free speech rights.
IIUC, there are no spending limits by corporations in the US system.
There are spending limits as far as corporations donating money to political parties go. Citizens United basically says that anyone can make a Super PAC and that Super PAC is allowed to buy TV ads. It doesn’t say that you can just hand over the cash to a political party.
The US democratic party is currently chaired by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. If you would make a list of the most influential US politicans I doubt that Debbie Wasserman Schultz would make the top ten. The institution of the democratic party is just to weak that heading it gives you a lot of political power.
I don’t want to say that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no political power at all but her power is miniscule compared to the head of a German political party.
No. If I hire a polling firm to gather data about the views hold by voters and hand the resulting data over to a politician that doesn’t count against donation limits. If you want to label those acts as donations that you to be limited you destroy a lot of free speech rights.
If you publicly disclose the results, then you are helping everybody. If you disclose the results only to a politician, then you are making a donation, by any reasonable meaning of the term.
I don’t want to say that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no political power at all but her power is miniscule compared to the head of a German political party.
Is there more private funding of politics, per capita or per unit of gdp, in the US or in Germany? I don’t have the data at hand, but I’ll bet that in the US corporations and wealthy individuals spend more on politics rather than Germans do.
Moreover, the German electoral system is a mix of relative majority and propositional representation, whereas the US one is a mostly pure relative majority system. Pure relative majority systems tends to produce a two parties with weak identities, with most political competition happening inside each party, and party chairpersons acting more as senior administrators and mediators rather than political leaders, while proportional representation favours political landscapes with multiple parties with strong identities and strong leaders.
If you disclose the results only to a politician, then you are making a donation, by any reasonable meaning of the term.
“Donation” conventionally refers to money or tangible resources: you can donate a thousand dollars, the use of a building, or your services in some professional capacity, but the word’s usually not used for advocacy, data, or analysis. I’m not sure there’s a word for an unsolicited gift of privately held information that you don’t intend to publicly disclose; if you did intend to disclose it at some point, it’d be a leak.
In this case you’re essentially working as a think tank, though, and I don’t believe think tank funding is generally counted as a direct political contribution. Might work differently in Europe, though.
“Donation” conventionally refers to money or tangible resources: you can donate a thousand dollars, the use of a building, or your services in some professional capacity, but the word’s usually not used for advocacy, data, or analysis. I’m not sure there’s a word for an unsolicited gift of privately held information that you don’t intend to publicly disclose; if you did intend to disclose it at some point, it’d be a leak.
I suppose that disclosing data bought from a commercial polling service would count as political donation, though I’m not sure what regulations actually say in various jurisdictions.
Anyway, certainly there are ways to perform political activism that don’t count as campaign donations, my point is that their effect on the outcome of the election is likely not the same as direct donations of money, ads, building use, and other tangible goods or services.
I don’t want to say that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no political power at all but her power is miniscule compared to the head of a German political party.
That’s because of differences in the electoral system. In the German system people vote for party lists, which the party heads choose, in the US system people vote directly for politicians; furthermore, each party’s candidate is decided by another election, called a primary, this leaves a lot less for party officials to do.
In the US straightforward things such as TV ads. In the US a lot of the political ads are payed for by Super PACs that aren’t allowed to donate money to candidates or parties but which are allowed to buy advertising.
Apart from ads, modern political campaign usually depend on polling voters to target messages. A corporation can just pay a polling company to run a poll and then give the resulting data to the political party to be better able to target messages.
Of course in the moment the corporation pays the bills of the polling company instead of the political party the polling company suddenly gets interests to shape the poll to the liking of the corporation.
A politician can use more personal assistants if a lobbyist wants to serve as a personal assistant for free there often no reason for the politician to just send the lobbyist away.
The kid of the politician needs a job? The politician is probably grateful to a lobbyist who makes the necessary connections for the kid to get a good job. It’s not easy to calculate how much it costs a corporation to arrange the job for the kid and how big a favor the corporation can ask later for having arranged the job but I don’t see that it will likely be a much worse return on the money than a corporation donating money to a party to run TV ads.
Yes, there are loopholes that sufficiently motivated individuals can use to elude regulation to a certain extent, but this doesn’t mean that they are as effective as just giving cash. Cash is much more fungible than anything else.
Cash gives the person who writes the bill power. If a political party pays the money they got donated by a corporation for a polling firm to target ads than the polling firm serves the interests of the political party.
If the person who writes the bill is a corporation who then donates the resulting data, the polling firm has interests to shape the data in the interests of the corporation.
The political party and politicians prefer receiving cash. The lobbyists on the other hand don’t prefer to give cash. If you now come and pass a law that makes it harder for politicians to accept cash to use for political purposes you weaken the politicians and therefore strengthen the lobbyists.
Which is of course exactly how we get such laws in a society in which lobbyists hold a lot of political power and want more power.
The only way to get around lobbyists increase their power is to actually give other political actors more power. That means public funding of elections.
Yes, there are loopholes that sufficiently motivated individuals can use to elude regulation to a certain extent, [emphasis mine]
And that’s precisely the problem. The net affect of these regulations is to limit political influence to those who are sufficiently motivated. This is already the mechanism behind things like regulatory capture, these laws just make the effect worse.
Possibly. But the point is how much political influence you get. Influencing politics with direct donations is much more efficient than eluding regulation.
To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress fellow members of your political party. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress corporate donors who fund your campaign.
The way an American would phrase it is:
To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress the party bosses. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress your constituents.
To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress the party bosses.
Not completely. If I live in Berlin and want to be elected into the Bundestag for the SPD I want to get a high place of the SPD list allocated in the Berlin SPD party convention. The head of the SPD in Berlin is the person got head because they have a majority of the Berlin SPD behind them, but their power over the convention isn’t absolute. It’s like the power the Nancy Pelosi has over democratic US congressman.
To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress your constituents.
Yes, constituents weighted by the amount of political donations that they can give.
Just because you don’t see the money flowing anymore doesn’t mean that the invisible hand of the market doesn’t direct the money to those opportunities where it produces political effects.
In fairness, we can’t very well assume without evidence that this is true, either. We’re probably best off with comparing results; are the laws of the UK notably friendlier or unfriendlier to wealthy individuals? What about monied businesses?
Note that friendliness in this sense doesn’t necessarily mean deregulation; regulations tend to lower profits but also tend to raise barriers to entry. If a particular business institution is worried about disruption by emerging players, it may be rational for it to accept or even push for regulation. Trade barriers are an especially pure example.
On the other hand public funding of elections actually works. You actually need well funded parties that are funded through government money as actors if you don’t want rich people to dominate the political system.
Then you get into the question of what qualifies as a party for purposes of getting public money. I can see this degenerating into a system for keeping non-established parties out.
Then you get into the question of what qualifies as a party for purposes of getting public money. I can see this degenerating into a system for keeping non-established parties out.
I think our German system works quite well in that regard. The main reason the pirate party didn’t join the Bundestag is they were largely incompetent. Infighting weakened them.
Snowden gave them the perfect topic but all they did do is being reactive and saying the establishment is bad instead of developing policy ideas with they could have pushed into reality.
The main problem with establishing a new party is getting competent people together who are willing to think deeply about public policy and who don’t destroy each other through infighting.
I think our German system works quite well in that regard. The main reason the pirate party didn’t join the Bundestag is they were largely incompetent.
I don’t know that much about the German system, how is the public funding allocated among the political parties? Did the Pirate Party get public funding? What about say the AfD?
And while changing the American system would be incredibly difficult, democracies which formed later tended to use better-patched versions of the American system—there’s a reason that most western European countries have more than two major parties, for instance.
Parties aren’t a built-in feature of the American political system as such—in fact, many of the people involved in setting it up were vociferous about their opposition to factionalism (and then proceeded more or less directly into some rather nasty factional conflict, because humans). The first-past-the-post decision system used in American federal elections is often cited as leading to a two-party system (Duverger’s law), and indeed probably contributes to such a state, but it’s not a hard rule; the UK for example uses FPTP voting in many contexts but isn’t polarized to the extent of the US, though it’s more polarized in turn than most continental systems.
For what it’s worth, the Founding Fathers actually did do quite a bit of research into what kinds of “loopholes” had existed in earlier systems, particularly the one in England, and took steps to avoid them. For example, the Constitution mandates that a census be taken every ten years because, in England, there were “rotten boroughs” which had a member of Parliament even though they had a tiny population. Needless to say, it wasn’t easy to get politicians in these districts to approve redistricting laws.
On the other hand, the Founding Fathers didn’t anticipate gerrymandering, though.
In theory, the state governments were supposed to serve as a way to test improvements in parallel. I don’t know if it ever worked out that way, though.
There certainly are problems with the U.S. Constitution as it stands (there’s no reason for the Electoral College, and the U.S. Senate re-implements rotten boroughs because the largest state has 65 times the population of the smallest one) but it’s worked tolerably well for over 200 years now.
To be equally fair, a lot of the more obvious exploits in the American system have been tried at one point or another; one of the clearer examples I can think of offhand is FDR’s attempt to pack the US Supreme Court in 1937. Historically most of these have been shot down or rendered more or less toothless by other power centers in the government, although a similar (albeit somewhat unique) situation did contribute to the American Civil War.
There’s a lot of bad things I could say about the American system, but the dynamic stability built in seems to have been quite a good plan.
“Avoid concentrating power, and try to pit power centers against each other whenever possible” seems to have been a fairly successful design heuristic for governments.
If you’re designing them to last a long time, yes. If you’re designing them to serve their people well… no offense, but the one agreed-upon fact in American politics today is that the country is crashing and burning. I’d say the systemic explanations (lack of limits on money in politics, gerrymandering, two-party system, neoliberal takeover of both parties, Overton Window drift, and so on and so forth) have a lot of force here.
So you’ve got a system that’s successfully lasted such a long time that when it finally hits crises it can’t handle, it’s just dying. Brittle and hard rather than flexible.
Lots of people say that, but how would say America’s troubles rate next Syria’s, say? Or those of post-Soviet Russia?
I think many Americans have a hard time distinguishing “genuine catastrophes” from “the worst things ever to happen in America that I noticed in my lifetime”.
It seems to me that the best way to prevent America from hitting troubles similar to those experienced by post-Soviet Russia (in severity if nothing else) is pre-emptively; anyone who suspects that similar, or worse, troubles are going to affect a given country within the near future would be, in my opinion, perfectly justified in taking some effort to turn the country aside from the upcoming troubles.
Mind you, I have no idea how severe America’s future troubles could be; I don’t have enough information for a reasonable estimate.
Nobody said that it was a quick death. In fact, I would have called a quick death beneficial. Most countries throughout history have a crisis, crash, and then get back on their feet after a few years. It’s the ones who are brittle and unable to change that end up with long-term problems.
If we want to talk about Western countries, for instance, compare the USA with, say, Germany. Germany has had far more successions of government than the United States, but currently functions better because they change when a crisis hits.
Or compare Syria with Tunisia—like with like. Protests in Syria led the government to use violent force over a period of years, leading to absolute disaster (by the way, you will notice on my profile that I don’t even that far from Syria). In Tunisia, the government actually stepped down, and things have improved. Egypt is a borderline case.
If you think things are bad today, try 1860 or 1930. All we’ve got today is a repeat of the Gilded Age, complete with similar economic instability and partisan gridlock...
In this Brit’s NSHO, the main problem with the US system is the lack of a limit on campaign spending.
You can’t really limit campaign spending. If you forbid a billionaire from buying ads they can go ahead and buy themselves a TV channel or a newspaper. Of course not everyone can buy a newspaper, your limit shifts power to those people who are wealthy.
You can’t create a situation in which nobody can spend money in a way to increase the likelihood that a particular politician gets elected. Money is just to useful for you to be able to pass a law that prevents it to be used to effect public opinion.
If you start with hard limits the money just takes a less obvious road.
On the other hand public funding of elections actually works. You actually need well funded parties that are funded through government money as actors if you don’t want rich people to dominate the political system.
You can, since this has been done in the UK. And, yes, individuals are limited in how much of the media they can buy up too.
You can’t cure every disease, but that is no argument for not building hospitals.
...and did you get a better government as a result?
We didn’t get a choice between two conservative parties.
True, you appear to have a choice between three left wing parties.
Socially, maybe, that being where the votes are. However, you will be delighted to hear that the Conservatives are still sufficiently traditional to want to cut welfare to the poor and taxes to the rich.
And yet not traditional enough to see any problem with the UK’s disastrous immigration policy. The BNP exists pretty much entirely because the “conservative” party is more concerned with not being called racists than with doing what the majority of their constituents have demanding for decades.
What disaster was that?
Yes, and the Democrats are left wing enough to try to expand the welfare state and raise taxes on the rich. I was using the same criterion you were.
How do you know that campaign spending is reduced? You don’t know the alternative roads that the money travels when you don’t allow the obvious roads. Just because you don’t see the money flowing anymore doesn’t mean that the invisible hand of the market doesn’t direct the money to those opportunities where it produces political effects.
The loss of transparency of money flow is a big problem with spending limits.
Who cares whether individuals are limited when you have corporations? But even if you have antitrust laws that prevent a single corporation from controlling all media that doesn’t mean that you can’t have 10 corporations with similar agendas controlling all media.
Revealed preferences and margins. By spending on the ‘obvious roads’, entities reveal that those are the optimum roads for them and their first choice; by forcing them back onto secondary choices, they must in some way be worse off (for example, be paying more or getting less) else they would have been using those non-obvious roads in the first place; and then by supply & demand, less will be spent.
I don’t think it’s a question of paying more and getting less but of being less certain about the payout.
If you have a policy of giving high paying jobs to people who end their political career if they furthered the interests of your company, you aren’t certain about the payoff of that spending.
On average it will motivate politicians to further your course but it’s a gamble. It requires a relationship of trust between the politicians and the companies doing the hiring.
Only big actors can have those relationships. You might be right that total money spent goes down but that’s not the thing we really care about. We care about the amount that policy get’s influenced by special interests.
Politicla parties are aonoly allowed limited airtime on mass media: they may be able to spend money on other things, but they would be less effective.
If the giovt says you can only broadcast for five minutes a year, that isn’t a free market.
Agian, not being able to do something perfectly is not a good reason not to do it at all.
Okay, then they don’t hire an advertising company to produce advertising. I instead hire them to produce a documentary of my favorite political issue and then sell that documentary for a low price to a TV station that it doesn’t run as advertising but as documentary.
You know that a lot of the players who produce documentaries that you see on TV also produce advertising for paying clients right?
Is that really an improvement of the political system is you get less political speech that’s overtly labeled as being advertising?
There already a large amount of politics that is not labelled as advertising, whether in the forms of songs, moviesornewspaper articles. Since the UK system also limits overall spending by parties, what they are able to do by means other than overt advertising is a drop in the ocean.
Then the rich corporation who wants to influence a political party doesn’t donate money but things brought by money.
You probably do succeed weaken political parties. If you are a lobbyist and want to influence politics to further the agenda of a corporation you want weak political parties.
If you look at the US it’s a country of very weak parties. The head of the Republican and Democratic party don’t have much political power. To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress fellow members of your political party. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress corporate donors who fund your campaign.
I prefer the incentives of the German system.
Which would still be constrained by donation limits, I suppose.
IIUC, there are no spending limits by corporations in the US system.
No. If I hire a polling firm to gather data about the views hold by voters and hand the resulting data over to a politician that doesn’t count against donation limits.
If you want to label those acts as donations that you to be limited you destroy a lot of free speech rights.
There are spending limits as far as corporations donating money to political parties go. Citizens United basically says that anyone can make a Super PAC and that Super PAC is allowed to buy TV ads. It doesn’t say that you can just hand over the cash to a political party.
The US democratic party is currently chaired by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. If you would make a list of the most influential US politicans I doubt that Debbie Wasserman Schultz would make the top ten. The institution of the democratic party is just to weak that heading it gives you a lot of political power.
I don’t want to say that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no political power at all but her power is miniscule compared to the head of a German political party.
If you publicly disclose the results, then you are helping everybody. If you disclose the results only to a politician, then you are making a donation, by any reasonable meaning of the term.
Is there more private funding of politics, per capita or per unit of gdp, in the US or in Germany? I don’t have the data at hand, but I’ll bet that in the US corporations and wealthy individuals spend more on politics rather than Germans do.
Moreover, the German electoral system is a mix of relative majority and propositional representation, whereas the US one is a mostly pure relative majority system.
Pure relative majority systems tends to produce a two parties with weak identities, with most political competition happening inside each party, and party chairpersons acting more as senior administrators and mediators rather than political leaders, while proportional representation favours political landscapes with multiple parties with strong identities and strong leaders.
“Donation” conventionally refers to money or tangible resources: you can donate a thousand dollars, the use of a building, or your services in some professional capacity, but the word’s usually not used for advocacy, data, or analysis. I’m not sure there’s a word for an unsolicited gift of privately held information that you don’t intend to publicly disclose; if you did intend to disclose it at some point, it’d be a leak.
In this case you’re essentially working as a think tank, though, and I don’t believe think tank funding is generally counted as a direct political contribution. Might work differently in Europe, though.
I suppose that disclosing data bought from a commercial polling service would count as political donation, though I’m not sure what regulations actually say in various jurisdictions.
Anyway, certainly there are ways to perform political activism that don’t count as campaign donations, my point is that their effect on the outcome of the election is likely not the same as direct donations of money, ads, building use, and other tangible goods or services.
That’s because of differences in the electoral system. In the German system people vote for party lists, which the party heads choose, in the US system people vote directly for politicians; furthermore, each party’s candidate is decided by another election, called a primary, this leaves a lot less for party officials to do.
Such as?
In the US straightforward things such as TV ads. In the US a lot of the political ads are payed for by Super PACs that aren’t allowed to donate money to candidates or parties but which are allowed to buy advertising.
Apart from ads, modern political campaign usually depend on polling voters to target messages. A corporation can just pay a polling company to run a poll and then give the resulting data to the political party to be better able to target messages.
Of course in the moment the corporation pays the bills of the polling company instead of the political party the polling company suddenly gets interests to shape the poll to the liking of the corporation.
A politician can use more personal assistants if a lobbyist wants to serve as a personal assistant for free there often no reason for the politician to just send the lobbyist away.
The kid of the politician needs a job? The politician is probably grateful to a lobbyist who makes the necessary connections for the kid to get a good job. It’s not easy to calculate how much it costs a corporation to arrange the job for the kid and how big a favor the corporation can ask later for having arranged the job but I don’t see that it will likely be a much worse return on the money than a corporation donating money to a party to run TV ads.
You are being hypercritical.
Yes, there are loopholes that sufficiently motivated individuals can use to elude regulation to a certain extent, but this doesn’t mean that they are as effective as just giving cash.
Cash is much more fungible than anything else.
Cash gives the person who writes the bill power. If a political party pays the money they got donated by a corporation for a polling firm to target ads than the polling firm serves the interests of the political party. If the person who writes the bill is a corporation who then donates the resulting data, the polling firm has interests to shape the data in the interests of the corporation.
The political party and politicians prefer receiving cash. The lobbyists on the other hand don’t prefer to give cash. If you now come and pass a law that makes it harder for politicians to accept cash to use for political purposes you weaken the politicians and therefore strengthen the lobbyists.
Which is of course exactly how we get such laws in a society in which lobbyists hold a lot of political power and want more power. The only way to get around lobbyists increase their power is to actually give other political actors more power. That means public funding of elections.
And that’s precisely the problem. The net affect of these regulations is to limit political influence to those who are sufficiently motivated. This is already the mechanism behind things like regulatory capture, these laws just make the effect worse.
While allowing to donate millions of dollars extends the political influence to the average person?
My point is that the barrier to entry to donate large amounts of money is lower than the barrier to elude regulations.
Possibly. But the point is how much political influence you get. Influencing politics with direct donations is much more efficient than eluding regulation.
No. Political influence tends to be zero sum, thus the fewer competing sources of influence there are, the more of it you have.
I don’t think so. If nobody spends in political influencing, people will still vote for somebody.
The way an American would phrase it is:
To have a career as a politician in Germany you mainly have to impress the party bosses. To have a career as a politician in the US you mainly have to impress your constituents.
Not completely. If I live in Berlin and want to be elected into the Bundestag for the SPD I want to get a high place of the SPD list allocated in the Berlin SPD party convention. The head of the SPD in Berlin is the person got head because they have a majority of the Berlin SPD behind them, but their power over the convention isn’t absolute. It’s like the power the Nancy Pelosi has over democratic US congressman.
Yes, constituents weighted by the amount of political donations that they can give.
In fairness, we can’t very well assume without evidence that this is true, either. We’re probably best off with comparing results; are the laws of the UK notably friendlier or unfriendlier to wealthy individuals? What about monied businesses?
Note that friendliness in this sense doesn’t necessarily mean deregulation; regulations tend to lower profits but also tend to raise barriers to entry. If a particular business institution is worried about disruption by emerging players, it may be rational for it to accept or even push for regulation. Trade barriers are an especially pure example.
Then you get into the question of what qualifies as a party for purposes of getting public money. I can see this degenerating into a system for keeping non-established parties out.
I think our German system works quite well in that regard. The main reason the pirate party didn’t join the Bundestag is they were largely incompetent. Infighting weakened them. Snowden gave them the perfect topic but all they did do is being reactive and saying the establishment is bad instead of developing policy ideas with they could have pushed into reality.
The main problem with establishing a new party is getting competent people together who are willing to think deeply about public policy and who don’t destroy each other through infighting.
I don’t know that much about the German system, how is the public funding allocated among the political parties? Did the Pirate Party get public funding? What about say the AfD?
And while changing the American system would be incredibly difficult, democracies which formed later tended to use better-patched versions of the American system—there’s a reason that most western European countries have more than two major parties, for instance.
Parties aren’t a built-in feature of the American political system as such—in fact, many of the people involved in setting it up were vociferous about their opposition to factionalism (and then proceeded more or less directly into some rather nasty factional conflict, because humans). The first-past-the-post decision system used in American federal elections is often cited as leading to a two-party system (Duverger’s law), and indeed probably contributes to such a state, but it’s not a hard rule; the UK for example uses FPTP voting in many contexts but isn’t polarized to the extent of the US, though it’s more polarized in turn than most continental systems.