Here is a random thing I wrote with the help of GPT-3. GPT-3 wrote ~75%. I was mainly going with the flow of GPT-3.
Tom likes to run. He runs all the time. That is, until one day he realized that living in the real world isn’t always easy when you are always running. Running is an escape for Tom. Running helps Tom forget about his mom. Running makes Tom not think about his dad. Running stops Tom from remembering the prom night accident. But one day, Tom realizes that the most important race is to run towards the pain of life. To run head on towards the falling tears.
It’s important to realize that nothing can save you. There’s always something that gets you. No one is safe. The world out there doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care who you are or what you believe in. This is the real world and you better be ready to run.
This is a reflection of who I am. You see, in a very strange way, I also ran away from problems. I was a great runner, running from this and that. The problem became that in running so much and so hard, I forgot who I was for a long time. I did stop running, in time, and found my way. You can’t run away from the real world; it’s not possible. It’s true that you can leave this world, but it’s also true that you can’t go anywhere else.
That is all that matters. I think it’s important for you to realize this too. The real world is within you. You decide if it’s going to suck or not. It’s how you deal with life that matters most. Life happens to all of us. We all get hurt. We all get screwed over. That’s because we just want something more. Something that we cannot get. You’re going to get hurt. You’re going to get screwed over. Again and again. Often we are the culprit. But let me tell you this: “Never give up!”
What do I mean by giving up? Well, is there something you want from the depths of your heart? Anything at all? Grasp it! It does not matter if it is small or big. It does not matter if other people would think it silly. The only important thing is that you care about it.
You got something? Good. Now run. Don’t stop, no matter what happens, no matter what life throws you, keep on going. Run, because that is what your future needs. This is the real world. Face it. Run, not away from all the problems, but run into them head-on. Whatever stands in your way, crush it. And then don’t stop, but keep running.
Take a break if you need it. Regenerate. And then keep running. The clock is ticking. Time is limited. Manage yourself. The goal is to run as far as you possibly can in the direction you choose. Sometimes it might turn out that you were running into the completely wrong direction. But don’t stop running. Turn around 180 degrees and run across the familiar land.
And if there are cliffs. Thread carefully. You can’t run when you are dead. But don’t get paralyzed by fear. Always do what you think is best.
And if you achieve your goals?
Well, in that case, it’s time for a new goal. There are always some on the horizon if you look close enough. I want to encourage you to create a plan. The day and time of planned success is today. Sit down and think what you want and how you can get it. Set a timer of at least 5 minutes and do it. Do it every day, until you know what you want, and what direction to run in.
The world is your oyster. Eat it up! It’s a journey that’ll last a human lifetime, or perhaps much longer if we are lucky. Enjoy!
Run Head on Towards the Falling Tears
Here is a random thing I wrote with the help of GPT-3. GPT-3 wrote ~75%. I was mainly going with the flow of GPT-3.
Tom likes to run. He runs all the time. That is, until one day he realized that living in the real world isn’t always easy when you are always running. Running is an escape for Tom. Running helps Tom forget about his mom. Running makes Tom not think about his dad. Running stops Tom from remembering the prom night accident. But one day, Tom realizes that the most important race is to run towards the pain of life. To run head on towards the falling tears.
It’s important to realize that nothing can save you. There’s always something that gets you. No one is safe. The world out there doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care who you are or what you believe in. This is the real world and you better be ready to run.
This is a reflection of who I am. You see, in a very strange way, I also ran away from problems. I was a great runner, running from this and that. The problem became that in running so much and so hard, I forgot who I was for a long time. I did stop running, in time, and found my way. You can’t run away from the real world; it’s not possible. It’s true that you can leave this world, but it’s also true that you can’t go anywhere else.
That is all that matters. I think it’s important for you to realize this too. The real world is within you. You decide if it’s going to suck or not. It’s how you deal with life that matters most. Life happens to all of us. We all get hurt. We all get screwed over. That’s because we just want something more. Something that we cannot get. You’re going to get hurt. You’re going to get screwed over. Again and again. Often we are the culprit. But let me tell you this: “Never give up!”
What do I mean by giving up? Well, is there something you want from the depths of your heart? Anything at all? Grasp it! It does not matter if it is small or big. It does not matter if other people would think it silly. The only important thing is that you care about it.
You got something? Good. Now run. Don’t stop, no matter what happens, no matter what life throws you, keep on going. Run, because that is what your future needs. This is the real world. Face it. Run, not away from all the problems, but run into them head-on. Whatever stands in your way, crush it. And then don’t stop, but keep running.
Take a break if you need it. Regenerate. And then keep running. The clock is ticking. Time is limited. Manage yourself. The goal is to run as far as you possibly can in the direction you choose. Sometimes it might turn out that you were running into the completely wrong direction. But don’t stop running. Turn around 180 degrees and run across the familiar land.
And if there are cliffs. Thread carefully. You can’t run when you are dead. But don’t get paralyzed by fear. Always do what you think is best.
And if you achieve your goals?
Well, in that case, it’s time for a new goal. There are always some on the horizon if you look close enough. I want to encourage you to create a plan. The day and time of planned success is today. Sit down and think what you want and how you can get it. Set a timer of at least 5 minutes and do it. Do it every day, until you know what you want, and what direction to run in.
The world is your oyster. Eat it up! It’s a journey that’ll last a human lifetime, or perhaps much longer if we are lucky. Enjoy!