My biochemical examples were intended to make a point about evolution, rather than a point about reverse-engineering. I would assume that if we decide to reverse-engineer biological models in neuroscience, the new artificial neurons will not be built out of genetically encoded polymers. Though I might be wrong.
My point was that while there is a an elegant core organization to protein production, there is the confounding factor of protein folding making it hard to reverse engineer.
So there might be similar confounding factors in animal locomotion. Confounding factors are those that take lots of information from various sources that update frequently. For example atom movement relies on the position of the other atoms around it. Neurons have the potential for these sorts of factors in electric field generation, chemical gradients and many connections from other neurons.
My biochemical examples were intended to make a point about evolution, rather than a point about reverse-engineering. I would assume that if we decide to reverse-engineer biological models in neuroscience, the new artificial neurons will not be built out of genetically encoded polymers. Though I might be wrong.
My point was that while there is a an elegant core organization to protein production, there is the confounding factor of protein folding making it hard to reverse engineer.
So there might be similar confounding factors in animal locomotion. Confounding factors are those that take lots of information from various sources that update frequently. For example atom movement relies on the position of the other atoms around it. Neurons have the potential for these sorts of factors in electric field generation, chemical gradients and many connections from other neurons.