If this were a hoax, it would certainly appeal to right-wingers. In general, the way the school board is debating this issue, the democrats are in favor of teacher recommendations and “helping the poor black kids”, whereas the republicans (although, on the school board, they’re all teapartiers) are the ones running with the “Data Driven Decisions D^3″ slogan.
That’s interesting.
If this were a hoax, it would certainly appeal to right-wingers. In general, the way the school board is debating this issue, the democrats are in favor of teacher recommendations and “helping the poor black kids”, whereas the republicans (although, on the school board, they’re all teapartiers) are the ones running with the “Data Driven Decisions D^3″ slogan.
What specifically is the school board debating? Allow the Principal to keep some minority students in honors classes?