Yes. I think it could also go the other way around: one can come from a privileged background which gives them a 8-10 dominance, yet they lack in skill. However, I believe this is not a sustainable scenario. Or is it?
If Adam is a 10 in dominance but a 7 in skill*, he probably has what he needs to stay on top but he may feel like an imposter if he compares himself to Bob (6 dominance, 10 skill). Adam is skilled enough to understand that Bob is better in certain ways.
*Whatever these numbers mean. This model is for illustration only.
Yes. I think it could also go the other way around: one can come from a privileged background which gives them a 8-10 dominance, yet they lack in skill. However, I believe this is not a sustainable scenario. Or is it?
If Adam is a 10 in dominance but a 7 in skill*, he probably has what he needs to stay on top but he may feel like an imposter if he compares himself to Bob (6 dominance, 10 skill). Adam is skilled enough to understand that Bob is better in certain ways.
*Whatever these numbers mean. This model is for illustration only.