Interesting, but there are multiple schemes worth thinking about that I have a hard time fitting into the same top-down design. There are disjunctions like “either the AI should take good actions or it should find arguments that cause humans to take good actions” that prompt different ideas on different sides of the disjunction. On the other hand, maybe you plan to manage and catalogue all the disjunctions rather than splitting different branches into isolated discussions? Potentially doable, but also potentially leads to pandemonium.
It’s not clear in the OP, but I’m planning on a depth-first search as opposed to breadth. Week 2-XX will focus on a singular topic (like turntrout’s impact measures or johnswentworth’s abstractions).
Interesting, but there are multiple schemes worth thinking about that I have a hard time fitting into the same top-down design. There are disjunctions like “either the AI should take good actions or it should find arguments that cause humans to take good actions” that prompt different ideas on different sides of the disjunction. On the other hand, maybe you plan to manage and catalogue all the disjunctions rather than splitting different branches into isolated discussions? Potentially doable, but also potentially leads to pandemonium.
It’s not clear in the OP, but I’m planning on a depth-first search as opposed to breadth. Week 2-XX will focus on a singular topic (like turntrout’s impact measures or johnswentworth’s abstractions).
I am looking forward to disjunctive maps though!