Two of us from my meetup (both unemployed) decided to help each other look for jobs. We check in by skype or email about weekly to set goals for the week and prod each other about things we said we were going to do. We’ve been doing this about two months, and one of us did get a job in that time. I wouldn’t attribute that directly to the job-finding partnership, but I do think it increased both our output of interview practice and applications completed.
Two of us from my meetup (both unemployed) decided to help each other look for jobs. We check in by skype or email about weekly to set goals for the week and prod each other about things we said we were going to do. We’ve been doing this about two months, and one of us did get a job in that time. I wouldn’t attribute that directly to the job-finding partnership, but I do think it increased both our output of interview practice and applications completed.