Starting with behavioral economics could be a good place, since the applications to daily life are obvious.
some possible books include:
Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely Why Smart people make Big Money Mistakes—Gary Belsky Nudge—Richard Thaler
I disagree. Behavioral economics is typically criticizing the standard neoclassical model as a starting point. Understand the neoclassical model first and you’ll better understand behavioral economics.
I suppose that’s true, though it shouldn’t be.
Starting with behavioral economics could be a good place, since the applications to daily life are obvious.
some possible books include:
Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely Why Smart people make Big Money Mistakes—Gary Belsky Nudge—Richard Thaler
I disagree. Behavioral economics is typically criticizing the standard neoclassical model as a starting point. Understand the neoclassical model first and you’ll better understand behavioral economics.
I suppose that’s true, though it shouldn’t be.