This anecdote gives very little information on its own. Can you describe your experience teaching math to other people—the audience, the investment, the methods, the outcome? Do you have any idea whether that one woman eventually succeeded in learning some of what you couldn’t teach her, and if so, how?
(ETA: I do agree with the general argument about people who are not good at math. I’m only saying this particular story doesn’t tell us much about that particular woman, because we don’t know how good you are at teaching, etc.)
This anecdote gives very little information on its own. Can you describe your experience teaching math to other people—the audience, the investment, the methods, the outcome? Do you have any idea whether that one woman eventually succeeded in learning some of what you couldn’t teach her, and if so, how?
(ETA: I do agree with the general argument about people who are not good at math. I’m only saying this particular story doesn’t tell us much about that particular woman, because we don’t know how good you are at teaching, etc.)