Great. That’s going to brighten up a very very shitty day I’m having, BTW. I got my father moderately angry and disappointed in me for an insubstantial reason (he’s OK but kind of emotional and has annoying expectations), and then my mom phoned from work in tears to say that her cat electrocuted itself somehow. I have just got very high on coffee to numb emotion and am browsing LW right now until I can take a peek at reality again.
Great. That’s going to brighten up a very very shitty day I’m having, BTW. I got my father moderately angry and disappointed in me for an insubstantial reason (he’s OK but kind of emotional and has annoying expectations), and then my mom phoned from work in tears to say that her cat electrocuted itself somehow. I have just got very high on coffee to numb emotion and am browsing LW right now until I can take a peek at reality again.