Sure. “Conservative” isn’t a fixed political position. Quite often, it’s a claim about one’s political position: that it stands for some historical good or tradition. A “conservative” in Russia might look back to the good old days of Stalin whereas a “conservative” in the U.S. would not appreciate the comparison. It’s also a flag color; your “fiscal conservative” may merely not want to wave a flag of the same color as Rick Santorum’s.
Sure. “Conservative” isn’t a fixed political position. Quite often, it’s a claim about one’s political position: that it stands for some historical good or tradition. A “conservative” in Russia might look back to the good old days of Stalin whereas a “conservative” in the U.S. would not appreciate the comparison. It’s also a flag color; your “fiscal conservative” may merely not want to wave a flag of the same color as Rick Santorum’s.