From this moment forward, remember this: What you do is infinitely more important than how you do it. Efficiency is still important, but it is useless unless applied to the right things.
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently what should not be done at all.
Sure there is. Doing inefficiently what should not be done at all is even more useless. At least if you do it efficiently you can go ahead and do something else sooner.
It seems to me that efficiency is just as useful doing things that should not be done as it is other times, for a fixed amount of doing stuff that shouldn’t be done.
-Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek
-- Peter Drucker
(I’ve quoted this line several times before.)
Sure there is. Doing inefficiently what should not be done at all is even more useless. At least if you do it efficiently you can go ahead and do something else sooner.
It seems to me that efficiency is just as useful doing things that should not be done as it is other times, for a fixed amount of doing stuff that shouldn’t be done.
Depends on the kind of efficiency, I guess.
If someone is systematically murdering people for an hour, I’d prefer they not get as much murdering done as they could.
I did specify “for a fixed amount of doing stuff that shouldn’t be done”. If they are getting more murdering done, that is probably bad.