Some users don’t read the HP:MoR threads, and some users only read the HP:MoR threads. You don’t have to feel like you have a reputation here yet. Also, welcome to Less Wrong.
There are threads on other sites (the TVTropes one is the biggest, I think, but I know the xkcd forums have a thread, and I’m sure others do as well). Part of the value of having HP:MoR threads here is it makes it likely that people who come here for the MoR threads will stay for the rest of the site- but I agree that the karma on them is atypical for karma on the site, and decoupling it would have some value (but I suspect higher costs than value).
UPDATE: Lame quest was lame. I’m already back up to positive karma although I hit −100 a couple days ago.
Maybe I should try for −1000 next time, instead.
Some users don’t read the HP:MoR threads, and some users only read the HP:MoR threads. You don’t have to feel like you have a reputation here yet. Also, welcome to Less Wrong.
Has anybody ever considered moving the HP:MoR threads to another site?
There are threads on other sites (the TVTropes one is the biggest, I think, but I know the xkcd forums have a thread, and I’m sure others do as well). Part of the value of having HP:MoR threads here is it makes it likely that people who come here for the MoR threads will stay for the rest of the site- but I agree that the karma on them is atypical for karma on the site, and decoupling it would have some value (but I suspect higher costs than value).
As I mentioned elsewhere, it would have the effect of making more useful (for people who don’t read HP:MoR, such as me).