Holy christ that is big. So, is that large enough that (according to the other claims about larger black holes having smoother event horizonal tidal forces), a fairly normal human ship could actually plunge in and experience some noticeable “normal” experiences for awhile before getting spaghettified? (or at least, “basic physics” says they have normal enough experience that it becomes an interesting question whether black holes have weird properties that might bring into question whether their experiences are morally relevant?)
I’m not a physicist but I believe the answer is yes, you could easily cross the event horizon of a supermassive BH without being spaghettified.
However, if the firewall solution to the black hole information paradox is true, then you’d be ripped apart at the moment you cross the event horizon. The firewall is super controversial in physics, because it violates Einstein’s equivalence principle. According to Einstein, there is nothing special about the moment you cross the event horizon; in principle, you could cross without even noticing. (Of course in reality you’d see such crazy shit that it’d be hard to be caught unawares.)
Holy christ that is big. So, is that large enough that (according to the other claims about larger black holes having smoother event horizonal tidal forces), a fairly normal human ship could actually plunge in and experience some noticeable “normal” experiences for awhile before getting spaghettified? (or at least, “basic physics” says they have normal enough experience that it becomes an interesting question whether black holes have weird properties that might bring into question whether their experiences are morally relevant?)
I’m not a physicist but I believe the answer is yes, you could easily cross the event horizon of a supermassive BH without being spaghettified.
However, if the firewall solution to the black hole information paradox is true, then you’d be ripped apart at the moment you cross the event horizon. The firewall is super controversial in physics, because it violates Einstein’s equivalence principle. According to Einstein, there is nothing special about the moment you cross the event horizon; in principle, you could cross without even noticing. (Of course in reality you’d see such crazy shit that it’d be hard to be caught unawares.)