You are welcome.
I won’t repeat what I answered to Buck’s comment; some part of the answer are certainly relevant here. In particular regarding the above-mentioned “rule”.
While I did not write about «space» above, I hope my point was clear. You and all the staff were making sure we were able to process things safely. While I would not have been able to state explicitly your goals, I was trying to emphasize that you did care about those questions.
AIRCS [...] is not entirely a MIRI recruiting program
I believe that I explicitly stated that a lot of people are here for different reasons than being recruited at MIRI. And that your goal are also to hope that people will work at other place on AI safety. I’m actually surprised that you have to clarify it. I fear I was not as clear as I hoped to be.
There is one last thing I should have added to the post. I wrote this for myself. More precisely, I wrote what I would have wanted to read before applying at MIRI/attending AIRCS. I wrote what I expect other applicants might find useful eventually. It seems safe to assume that those applicants sometime reads Less Wrong and so might looks for similar posts and fin this one. Currently, all comments had been made by LW/MIRI/CFAR’s staff, which means that this is not (yet) a success. Anyway, you were not the intended audience, even if I assumed that somehow, some AIRCS staff would hear about this post. I didn’t try to write anything that you would appreciate. After all, you know AIRCS better than me. And it’s entirely possible that you might find some critiques to be unfair. I’m happy to read that you do appreciate and found interesting some parts of what I wrote.
Note that most of the things I wrote here related to AIRCS were already present in my feed back form. There were some details I omitted in the form (I don’t need to tell you that there is a lot of vegan options), and some details I omit here (In particular the one mentioning people by name). So there was already a text in which you were the intended audience.
You are welcome. I won’t repeat what I answered to Buck’s comment; some part of the answer are certainly relevant here. In particular regarding the above-mentioned “rule”. While I did not write about «space» above, I hope my point was clear. You and all the staff were making sure we were able to process things safely. While I would not have been able to state explicitly your goals, I was trying to emphasize that you did care about those questions.
There is one last thing I should have added to the post. I wrote this for myself. More precisely, I wrote what I would have wanted to read before applying at MIRI/attending AIRCS. I wrote what I expect other applicants might find useful eventually. It seems safe to assume that those applicants sometime reads Less Wrong and so might looks for similar posts and fin this one. Currently, all comments had been made by LW/MIRI/CFAR’s staff, which means that this is not (yet) a success. Anyway, you were not the intended audience, even if I assumed that somehow, some AIRCS staff would hear about this post. I didn’t try to write anything that you would appreciate. After all, you know AIRCS better than me. And it’s entirely possible that you might find some critiques to be unfair. I’m happy to read that you do appreciate and found interesting some parts of what I wrote. Note that most of the things I wrote here related to AIRCS were already present in my feed back form. There were some details I omitted in the form (I don’t need to tell you that there is a lot of vegan options), and some details I omit here (In particular the one mentioning people by name). So there was already a text in which you were the intended audience.