How can one grounding be falsifiable and another not, and the two groundings still be entirely indistinguishable? If there is a difference, shouldn’t there be some difference? How would they flicker back and forth, as you say, like a Necker cube? Wouldn’t there be some truth of the matter?
I don’t think they can. I wanted to accommodate people who believe that qualia are part of groundings, and that you would have a different grounding if you swapped the experience of blue with the experience of red, rather than argue about it.
How can one grounding be falsifiable and another not, and the two groundings still be entirely indistinguishable? If there is a difference, shouldn’t there be some difference? How would they flicker back and forth, as you say, like a Necker cube? Wouldn’t there be some truth of the matter?
I don’t think they can. I wanted to accommodate people who believe that qualia are part of groundings, and that you would have a different grounding if you swapped the experience of blue with the experience of red, rather than argue about it.