Good design! A name for it could be the TemptedBot since it tries to go for the temptation payoff, or the ExploitBot (short: Explobot) since it tries to exploit the opponent.
One thing that you did not get around to writing is that if the Explobot’s weak system is W=PA, and it plays against a FairBot that uses PA, the bots will play defect-defect. This is because the FairBot cannot prove that the Explobot takes the first “else” branch, and thus cannot prove that the Explobot cooperates. Then the FairBot defects, and as a consequence so does the Explobot.
Good design! A name for it could be the TemptedBot since it tries to go for the temptation payoff, or the ExploitBot (short: Explobot) since it tries to exploit the opponent.
One thing that you did not get around to writing is that if the Explobot’s weak system is W=PA, and it plays against a FairBot that uses PA, the bots will play defect-defect. This is because the FairBot cannot prove that the Explobot takes the first “else” branch, and thus cannot prove that the Explobot cooperates. Then the FairBot defects, and as a consequence so does the Explobot.