Yes, there are humans mathematicians who doubt that P is not equal to NP.
See “Guest Column: The P=?NP Poll” by William Gasarch where a poll was taken of 100 experts, 9 of whom ventured the guess that P = NP and 22 of whom offered no opinion on how the P vs. NP question will be resolved. The document has quotes from various of the people polled elaborating on what their beliefs are on this matter.
Yes, there are humans mathematicians who doubt that P is not equal to NP.
See “Guest Column: The P=?NP Poll” by William Gasarch where a poll was taken of 100 experts, 9 of whom ventured the guess that P = NP and 22 of whom offered no opinion on how the P vs. NP question will be resolved. The document has quotes from various of the people polled elaborating on what their beliefs are on this matter.