(I don’t think it matters enough to avoid that name, but there will certainly be small confusions, by search engines and by people familiar with that Twiki and getting into LessWrong as newcomers. I can’t imagine that leading to any particular negative consequence other than some little wasted time and brainpower for those, though.)
“Twiki” is already the name of a wiki-related product (https://twiki.org/), so that might be confusing.
That project is Twiki, not twiki like we’re suggesting. Shouldn’t be any confusion.
Famous last words.
(I don’t think it matters enough to avoid that name, but there will certainly be small confusions, by search engines and by people familiar with that Twiki and getting into LessWrong as newcomers. I can’t imagine that leading to any particular negative consequence other than some little wasted time and brainpower for those, though.)
(Just to be clear, I understood Ruby’s comment to be a joke)