The amount of will necessary to close a window is itself trivial,
Many people find the will cost non negligible. While I don’t actually know (or want to know) exactly what TV troups is, avoiding the temptation to, say, follow links from google reader to is a sufficient expense that I often install leechblock for months at a time.
if will can indeed be considered a resource to be spent.
Willpower can absolutely be considered a resource to be spent. References on request or on google. In fact, I seem to recall the topic coming up here once or thrice.
The TV Tropes Wiki is a wiki about recurring elements in fiction, such as situations, character types, and plots, which are collectively referred to as “tropes”.
By, for example, acknowledging their weaknesses and managing their environment such that it doesn’t waste valuable willpower on trivialities.
The amount of will necessary to close a window is itself trivial, if will can indeed be considered a resource to be spent.
Many people find the will cost non negligible. While I don’t actually know (or want to know) exactly what TV troups is, avoiding the temptation to, say, follow links from google reader to is a sufficient expense that I often install leechblock for months at a time.
Willpower can absolutely be considered a resource to be spent. References on request or on google. In fact, I seem to recall the topic coming up here once or thrice.
You are right. Thank you for pointing that out, you have helped me improve.
The TV Tropes Wiki is a wiki about recurring elements in fiction, such as situations, character types, and plots, which are collectively referred to as “tropes”.
Be warned, though. TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.