In this comment I pegged a web site as being nothing but a link farm, filled with ads and worthless “content”. A couple of ideas occurred to me.
The web site looks to me as if it was actually written by human beings, but computer-generated prose of this sort might not be far off. The better the programmers get at simulating humans (and the spammers are certainly trying), the better humans will have to become at not being mistaken for computers. If you sound like a spambot, it doesn’t matter if you really aren’t, you’ll get tuned out.
And I wonder how well different people do on this adult-level “theory of mind” test? Here’s another: how long does it take you to discern the true nature of this book?
In this comment I pegged a web site as being nothing but a link farm, filled with ads and worthless “content”. A couple of ideas occurred to me.
The web site looks to me as if it was actually written by human beings, but computer-generated prose of this sort might not be far off. The better the programmers get at simulating humans (and the spammers are certainly trying), the better humans will have to become at not being mistaken for computers. If you sound like a spambot, it doesn’t matter if you really aren’t, you’ll get tuned out.
And I wonder how well different people do on this adult-level “theory of mind” test? Here’s another: how long does it take you to discern the true nature of this book?