Right, it’s more likely a problem of the version of gems and not of ruby (I think I have Leopard—I’m not on my home machine now).
When running
gem update—system
… I got the same error as above, so I guess I’ll have to manually download it and install it and hope that the new one will become the default version (I’m somewhat wary of doing that, I don’t like having several versions of the same software on one machine).
Right, it’s more likely a problem of the version of gems and not of ruby (I think I have Leopard—I’m not on my home machine now).
When running
… I got the same error as above, so I guess I’ll have to manually download it and install it and hope that the new one will become the default version (I’m somewhat wary of doing that, I don’t like having several versions of the same software on one machine).