Among them, one I found especially peculiar is that I distinctly started feeling some sort of sensations outside of my body.
I had this, and it lasted for a year after the retreat. I also found that there’s a strong tendency for the sensations to happen in the area you described.
I could feel sensations substantially outside of the area accessible to my hands too, but they were a bit more difficult to feel. They could correspond to priors for tactile-like affordances for objects at a distance (e.g. graspability of a cup, or speed of a fast-moving vehicle) that are readily constructed by ordinary perception.
I had this, and it lasted for a year after the retreat. I also found that there’s a strong tendency for the sensations to happen in the area you described.
I could feel sensations substantially outside of the area accessible to my hands too, but they were a bit more difficult to feel. They could correspond to priors for tactile-like affordances for objects at a distance (e.g. graspability of a cup, or speed of a fast-moving vehicle) that are readily constructed by ordinary perception.