Quantum Mechanics is a classic counterexample, as far as we know, in a sense that there is no deeper underlying theory that would predict an outcome of a measurement when QM says it cannot be determined.
This is not refraining from picking a model—this is choosing to reify certain classes of interpretation. If you are saying, “The math is just what the math is, and says nothing more” then it doesn’t purport to be complete in the first place, and isn’t a counterexample.
Then refrain.
This is not refraining from picking a model—this is choosing to reify certain classes of interpretation. If you are saying, “The math is just what the math is, and says nothing more” then it doesn’t purport to be complete in the first place, and isn’t a counterexample.
Seems like we are talking past each other (happens quite often whenever the MWI is mentioned), so I will disengage.