..his reverend or something like that told him (hypothetically). He beleives it the same way Obama beleives that a man can rise form the dead. He was told by people he trusted, but the opinion wasn’t widespread. I doubt that he came up with the idea on his own. It seems to have some group of believers.
Trust in a single person and trust in an institution are two different qualities.
To stay with the analogy, even when we believe individual scientists can fail us we trust in the scientific community as a group.
A person who believes that global warming is a hoax because he found a scientist who told him, is doing it wrong. It’s the same for a person who takes the beliefs of a random priest as the truth instead of the Christian community
..his reverend or something like that told him (hypothetically). He beleives it the same way Obama beleives that a man can rise form the dead. He was told by people he trusted, but the opinion wasn’t widespread. I doubt that he came up with the idea on his own. It seems to have some group of believers.
Trust in a single person and trust in an institution are two different qualities.
To stay with the analogy, even when we believe individual scientists can fail us we trust in the scientific community as a group. A person who believes that global warming is a hoax because he found a scientist who told him, is doing it wrong. It’s the same for a person who takes the beliefs of a random priest as the truth instead of the Christian community