On the etiology of religious belief
From “Trust in testimony and miracles”:
I have been of late fascinated by the research of the developmental psychologist Paul L. Harris, who has investigated how young children acquire information through testimony. Harris gauges two psychological hypotheses. The first, which he attributes to Hume, is that children always assess the content of the information: they are more inclined to disbelieve information that widely differs from their earlier experience. The second, which he identifies with Reid’s position is that children are naturally credulous; they are inclined to indiscriminately believe what others testify, no matter who they are or what they tell.
...Harris found that children do not fall into either pattern. Pace the Humean account, he found that young children are readily inclined to believe extraordinary claims, such as that there are invisible organisms on your hands that can make you ill and that you need to wash off, and that there is a man who visits you each 24th December to bring presents and candy if you are nice (see e.g., Harris & Koenig, 2006, Child Development, 77, 505 − 524). But children are not blindly credulous either, as Reid supposed. In a series of experiments, Harris could show that even children of 24 months pay attention to the reliability of the testifier. When they see two people, one of which systematically misnames known objects (e.g., saying “that’s a bear”, while presenting a bottle), toddlers are less likely to trust later utterances by these unreliable speakers (when they name unfamiliar objects), and more likely to trust people who systematically gave objects their correct names (see e.g., Paul L. Harris and Kathleen H. Corriveau Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2011 366, 1179-1187.) Experiments by Mills and Keil show that 6-year-olds already take into account a testifier’s self-interest: they are more likely to believe someone who says he lost a race than someone who says he won it (Candice M. Mills and Frank C. Keil Psychological Science 2005 16: 385).
See also:
- 9 Jun 2012 15:42 UTC; 11 points) 's comment on Conspiracy Theories as Agency Fictions by (
- 9 Jun 2012 15:42 UTC; 0 points) 's comment on Cognitive Style Tends To Predict Religious Conviction (psychcentral.com) by (
Anyone who knows toddlers knows this is a GAME.
Experimenter: “That’s a bear.” Toddler “Nooo it isn’t, it’s a bottle!” (Laughter)
You can bet the experimenter gave the whole thing away with lots of play-face expressions as well. The toddler probably trusts both speakers, but are expecting one of them to carry on fooling around.
I think it’s more than just that simple game:
-- Harris and Corriveau 2011
From http://lesswrong.com/lw/7o4/atheism_the_autism_spectrum/6x1c :
Lane JD, Wellman H, Evans EM (2010) Children’s understanding of ordinary and extraordinary minds. Child Dev 81: 1475–1489.
Taylor M, Carlson SM (1997) The relation between individual differences in fantasy and theory of mind. Child Develop 68: 436–455.
From http://james-g.com/2012/06/examining-idealism-part-3/ :
Jaynes’s The Mind Projection Fallacy (PDF)
“to quote the philosopher Richard Joyce, from his book The Evolution of Morality:
I think this needs proper analysis with regards to the possibility that there’s several distinct populations or huge variability in traits. Actually all the psychology studies badly need that. When people support either hypothesis, it would seem they are to some extent generalizing from their own memories; the disagreement should be seen as suggestion that there may be different populations.
If you read the refs, you see that differences are observed between fundamentalist populations of kids and regular kids with regard to things like a creator God vs evolution vs spontaneous generation, but the differences increase with age.
Downvoted; too much weight on 3 studies.
This is a big quote and two links. There’s no actual thesis here that could be asserted too strongly relative to cited evidence. (Besides, for some questions one study can be enough.)