Can one use the backwards-E existence symbol as one of the letters?
If we want ease-of-use, the fact that you typed out “backwards-E existence symbol” instead of “∃” isn’t encouraging...
It seems intuitively obvious to me that since the risk event is an absence of existence, we should call them \forall-risks.
Yeah, universal risks instead of existential risks would’ve been a better name, probably too late to change now though.
Alien teenagers sending robots to bitch-slap every human on earth is a universal risk of bitch-slapping, but isn’t an existential risk to humanity.
Can one use the backwards-E existence symbol as one of the letters?
If we want ease-of-use, the fact that you typed out “backwards-E existence symbol” instead of “∃” isn’t encouraging...
It seems intuitively obvious to me that since the risk event is an absence of existence, we should call them \forall-risks.
Yeah, universal risks instead of existential risks would’ve been a better name, probably too late to change now though.
Alien teenagers sending robots to bitch-slap every human on earth is a universal risk of bitch-slapping, but isn’t an existential risk to humanity.